Encourage fighter jets to fight in the air

ah yes “fighter jet” the aircraft that “totally” exist in enlisted (and no we dont have the me262 yet so fighter jet dont exist in enlisted yet this will age like milk when they finally add the me262 with jet engine)


I never faced such problem, in most cases planes butcher themselves before engaging in CAS.
But there is another prominent problem in the game, in Enlisted as the game is currently implemented there is absolutely no place for aircrafts without armament to attack ground targets.
This applies, of course, to the various types of available fighters that mostly act as placeholders in the grind, or trollpicks completely useless to the team.


When I play as fighters I primarily scan around looking for enemy planes, and occasionally go on bombing runs

Even then there is nothing wrong with fighters dropping the occasional bomb. It’s good to have an alternate play style. Maybe there’s a lot of enemy planes so you have targets to engage. Maybe there’s no enemy planes but you can still fight the ground so you don’t just crash with nothing to do

I have suggested new radio call-ins that would add another element to plane gameplay, ie having targets for the planes to engage. Incendiary bombing runs, recon planes, heavy bombing runs, etc.

I will say if we had a giant mode with say 10 plane slots then we’d see a lot more air combat

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You get less xp for shooting down planes than you do for slaughtering infantry so theres no incentive for planes to attack each other except fear the enemy will end their killstreak.

Also, on console the plane controls are wonky af so its just too hard to dogfight effectively.

Also fuck yeah

Battle of Midway plsplspls


Ive played alot of Warthunder RB , and i have to say…managing your ammo pool is a big part of the experience

It is Already very easy to rearm

This is not the case. Planes kills are worth the most, followed by a fully crewed tank. And alot of fighters can kill both.

there is every incentive to shoot down every plane you see.


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Well yeah…but flying around looking for them just wastes time and the games are so short already. I rarely get the opportunity to shoot down more than 2-3 planes before the game ends…and most of the time one of us is heading back to that damned resupply so there are games where you just dont run into each other.

It just isnt as rewarding as playing as a tank or setting up a sweet MG emplacement…I love flying so Ill keep doing it…I just wish there was more action in the air. Maybe more planes, like 3 fighters, 2 bombers

I meant total XP. I barely run into enough planes to equal the amount of Tank and Infantry XP I could get.

Just a bit of context between the guy getting most infantry kills in the game, and a Pilot killing planes and tanks.

first screen: I was the Fighter Pilot, guy with most infantry kills was on foot.


Second Screens: Guy on foot with alot more kills, But way outscored by shooting down planes. (alot were Bomber AI) but yeah. score difference. (even those massive amounts of kill on objectives weren’t enough to keep up)



3rd screen: and then same infantry kills, But I shot down planes…massive score difference


That is much easier and consistent yes.

But if you are in a plane, there is no way you just ignore an enemy plane. There is no Gentlemens Agreement. You take that score!!!

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Tanks are absolutely worth it. How many of those were actually planes? You see tanks and infantry at the same time so theres no opportunity cost to going after tanks like there is dicking around in the sky trying to find planes to shoot down. If I see them I shoot them but chasing them is just a pain in the ass and more necessary than rewarding.

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there’s should be definitely more stuff to do in the air, I was so happy when paratroopers were added thinking there will be new target in the sky, but devs messed it up.

if paratroopers were reworked so that they’d arrive longer and perhaps new radio call ins, such as recon planes etc. fighters would be more interesting then

Fighter planes without a payload are fine as long as enemy planes exist to hunt.
But once the enemy is shoot down/kamikazed you are at the mercy of the enemy if your can keep having fun or are wasting your time circling the sky with no end in sight.
This is the main problem with for pure fighter loadouts. The allies have a big advantage in their aviation as many players bring fighter but only a few axis players as the G6 with bombs has only 1 20mm (this isnt much) and the G10 that has has nothing to do once skies are clear so it is less attractive as one of your limited vehicle slots even if you have them.
This means not many players are even willing to bring them at all.

Maybe you could add a slow point trickle while no enemy planes exist (or retroactivly once you are dead/game ended to avoid it giving away spawned in enemy planes) to incetivise fighter useage.
This trickle could be disabled/reduced for fighter bombers but should in no way outperform the score earned otherewise.

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Well there sorta still is.

Shooting the plane down is still worth alot, even after they have jumped. Free xp for fighter pilots

And there is no shortage :stuck_out_tongue:

Half of the Vehicle kills were AI bombers/Transports, split the remainder between player planes and player tanks.

Such a shame, many beautiful fighter planes are hardly ever or never used.
All they need is a payload.
Anything will do, even 2 mini bombs is better than nothing.
With a payload, I am sure we will see more fighters in the sky.

Big Action mod has up to 8 planes in the sky, 4 each side, ammunition enhanced so you can strafe, bombs not so necessary now. Bombs also given real explosive damage too. Airports and rearm is above battle field.

Sadly you don’t earn XP, although we are campaigning devs! Hopefully post merge they will see how popular it is :crossed_fingers:

Later version is now b21a not this, but handbook gives good idea how to play, engineers are key.

So barely any were players in planes.

How do I play Big Action on console? I never see any servers up and I dont think I can start one.


I never implied they were all players, i even wrote alot were bombers/transports. Beside the point.

The topic was:

  • little for planes to do
  • not rewarding, not enough score
  • no incentive to shoot planes down.

All of which as you can see, is not so

No need to discriminate between AI or player kills, the majority of tanker killls are AI anyway

Im saying that shooting down enemy players planes is unrewarding and time spent chasing down enemy fighters isnt worth the opportunity cost in XP for any time not spent destroying tanks and infantry. Bomber raids also worth going after but no one should be using those because they suck lol