Either lock Rzhev to low BR or rename it to something generic

Cause “historic” was an important element of the past propaganda, and it is still mentioned multiple times on the official website despite being changed multiple times.

Well I think most people would know better than to believe such advertising statements to be 100% true to the word.


Looking only in a gameplay optic, late br things, like Is2 1944 and KTH, in BIG OPEN MAPS, are really attractive things to me.

I don’t really like using both tanks, even less tank destroyers, in Berlin.

But I know I’ll love it in open maps.
(I mean I enjoy my Is2 1944 the most in… train escort!!!)

I just love how this video has no single HLL frame. Makes you think if he actually played it.


HLL is seriously fun. Great, even.

But it’s silly that ppl compare them (with Enlisted) on the same criterias when both games are so fundamentally different…

It’s like… SOME guy cannot accept that BOTH games can be good at what they’re intended.


I agree. I hope one day hll will introduce single player with bots so bad players like me can feel more useful

He calls AI a unique selling point. Dude just loves to rack up his kill count without any resistance.
Oh and F2P because paying for games is gay and it “didn’t reach its full potential yet”-

Low quality game :-1:

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Luckily Enlisted is not known for bullets that do not register, ghost shells or poor server performance and shitty accuracy of guns.


Why can’t new content be within WW2?
Why not “Field” map or “Belarus”?

Rzhev ended in 1943, none of your fluffy Fortnite fantasies will make Tiger 2 “ok” there.

It is not a problem that it is a low-quality game, with empty maps and retarded mechanics.

What makes is such dogshit is acceptance of hackers and advertising it as a “best WW II game”.

(video shows “night map”)

On the plus side, it could just be that there aren’t that many currently playable maps, and there’s pretty much only one option per BR if it’s too restrictive. Maybe in the future there will be a more realistic distribution mechanism when there are more maps.

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Sounds like an average comment from someone who don’t like a simulator-like war game.

If you are mean to express your love for Enlisted by this way, then I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the “Enlisted Promotion Team”

All I can say is that maybe we don’t know which is the better WWII game, but we will know in the future which one is more popular among its players based on steam reviews.

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They are not saying it, at least not on their website. Those are other people and gaming “journalists” and people who review it. And they mostly like it… which is not something we can say about latest Enlisted reviews.
Those reviews are better than the Steam reviews of Enlisted which is still just 58% approval (and I believe thats also after they or Steam deleted reviews).
Regarding hackers, Enlisted mechanics are so bad, that you mostly dont even need to cheat. Just ask our friends from the Far East when DF removed their Dutch soldiers after months or he 88er gang.

And speaking of bad advertisment… why is this game still advertised as historical accurate?

You are making your skills issue so much bigger than they should be…

Look buddy. It’s fine to dislike things. Some ppl like vanilla but not chocolate for example. Others like both.

But to say a game is “bad and low quality” constantly JUST because YOU dislike it…

You look like a fool.


Honestly they can just bring back even fight events but make the presets historically accurate and then have an extra slot for a battle related vehicle slot plus 2 extra slots for premium. And said presets for said battle of rzhev would be as follows


Rather 3 or 4 of these


Rather 3 of 4 of these too

I’d say Moscow premies on here but Stalingrad and Moscow vehicles can fight on this one.

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Unfortunately there is no point of maps being locked by BR if BR is not historical based in the first place. Seriously why is Tunisia and Moscow BR 1 and 2. What’s the point. For the time being they should make all maps for all BRs

We have Volkssturm weapons in BR 1, we can’t use the famous PPSh in any battle except the final battle of the war Berlin BR 5

I will always hope that perhaps one day the game will be overhauled. And before I get jumped let me remind that no I don’t have any problem with prototypes whatsoever. I’ve never asked 200% HA, all I feel is that as long as it makes chronological sense then it’s fine.
BR 1- before up to 1941
BR 2- 1942
BR 3- 1943
BR 4- 1944
BR 5- 1945

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Agreed as i too see a problem with that

See here the problem is it would be too much on the devs and a complete overhaul might mean a potential change that makes the game unwelcoming for the newer players. At least if they went through an idea such as mine where the presets would be historically accurate for the weekly events but the only thing that would be somewhat off-putting ig is the choice of battle themed premiums the player may choose. Even then it wouldnt still be what makes up the whole event. Also before anyone asks, i insist premiums for the sake of diversity such as building structures like building HMG’s, cannons, ,using radioman squads, etc.

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How dare you mention f***nite. That thing is just pure trash and shouldn’t even be called a game.

Because this game isn’t a WW2 simulator. It’s more of a WW2-themed semi-realistic sandbox. And Tiger 2 in Rzhev or anywhere else is totally okay in that manner. It’s still far far FAR more realistic than “f***nite fantasy” or whatever.

Whether it satisfies your personal criteria of “pro-WW2” and “anti-WW2” does not matter at ALL.

I totally agree with your first paragraph. Since BRs aren’t representative of HA, limiting certain maps to certain BRs won’t make it any more HA anyway, so your argument is quite flawed in the first place @Veekay45.


But that defeats the whole purpose of BR system in the first place. BR system and the merge as a whole is intended for balance, not HA. Really, this weird revisionism needs to stop. Enlisted will never go back to what it was before the merge, or anything close to it in terms of HA. Merge and BR balancing and resulting loss of HA is here to stay, guys. Why can’t you accept that reality?