Easy anti cheat went off... will i get banned

when i was playing i was firing at some german and easy anti cheat went off. is this happening to other players? im not using cheat software or manipulating the game what so ever.

Did you have another game running? If so, that is probably why.


Greetings to you,

Easy Anti Cheat is messy. I had to run Legacy update for it to work, then when I tried to get the game running on my brother’s completely identical system, a memory reference error keeps popping up.

I’ve also heard rumours of Easy Anti Cheat kicking people from games when they have Windows Media Player/VLC/etc running in the background and that the system supposedly doesn’t even work.

I found looking up the problem is your first step to a solution (Enlisted’s not the only game to have Easy Anti Cheat).

Edit: I didn’t even realise this was 2 months old, it just popped up in my feed.

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