Don't put people in matches when objectives have already been taken

May I suggest to the DEV’s that the game “DOES NOT” start you off in a match when the first objective has already been lost? I mean C’mon, I spawn for the first time, the enemy has already taken objective number 1 in the process of taking objective number 2, while their troop number is sitting at 990, so you know you’ve been placed into a seal clubbing. Add to that my Filipino internet was intermittingly freezing up which made for the perfect storm of anger and frustration.

With all due respect, I would rather wait several minutes and start AT THE BEGINNING of the game then be dropped into a seal clubbing. If this were a football game, you just started me off in the second quarter.


I think it happens to make up the numbers after some have left the game. It’s never much fun when it happens, though :slightly_frowning_face:

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I actually think the system might not do it … but instead it puts you in but while you are loading into the game the objective is captured. I could be wrong though.

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Forget it.

I and many others have been asking for this for over a year.

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Correct, I left the game after anger and frustration, it appeared that 7 total people had deserted…Including me.

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Yeah, the game was moving faster then the waters of Niagara Falls, so it may have started to link me at the beginning, and by the time I actually spawned it was halfway through the second objective being gone.

I have gone back to playing BR1 and having some fun games there :partying_face:. It’s nice to not be blatted constantly by top tier weapons and have a more matched battle. In the last week most matches have been really close which is nice. The only thing is, you will have the noobs who can’t place a rally too save their lives but we all have to learn eh :+1:

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Devs cant even put me on the right server 90% of the time.

I queue NA. I get EUROPE .

I like level 1 and have several squads that are just level one. To be honest I have some of the toughest matches there. It is not a noobies level on the battlefield anymore, that is for sure as I tend to see more Marshalls at that level then level 5. :rofl: I also have several level two squads, so I was until recently playing a lot of level one, then level 1-3, but have been playing a lot more Allies level 5 lately.

I do have level 1-3 Rusian and German maxed squads I play on occassion as well. I had maxed level 3 German squads, but disbanded them for the coin when Gaijin ruined the level 3 by placing them with level 5, so what was the point of keeping all the kit. Just build level 5 kit now.

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