Don't let rank deceive you

From the appearance, the allies should have won, but this was the worst ass kicking I have taken in a LONG time. :rofl: So, you can’t always judge the book by its cover.


It happens more often at the end of battle passes.

Those who just farmed ranks in popular factions, all got max rank at this point… But it doesn’t make them better.

Those angry axis men you fought, many look like veterans even if their ranks seem low…

In the end it’s a clash between most of those who wanted it easy and those die hard guys who didn’t leave.

Oh, and Steam brought actual PC talents in the game, too. Playing often at low br (I love bolt actions) I’m pleasantly surprised when I see PC newcomers snapshoting me without the aid of console aim bot :smile:


I went heavy on machine guns this game as 50 machine gun kills was my daily goal, and I think it kind of hurt as there were a lot of tight areas that a T20 or Thompson would have been better. Still, I did have one open field segment where Mr Stinger made his presence felt and I mowed the lawn. :rofl: This past week I have lost more matches to Germans then I had been in a while, so I think people are starting to shift back. Even playing allies or Russians, I have probably lost just as many as I have won the past week or so. I played about 7 or 8 games the past few days with my level 2 Germans I won all but one. My Allies I play mostly level 5 lately. Russians, I really only have level one and two maxed out as I just started them at the last rank reset.

I tell you what, when I play with strictly level one allies I have probably the most even toughest matches, more so then level 1-3 allies.

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The event, eh?

I went “yohohohohoh”!!! With rd44 for it. It was done in a match :laughing:

It’s a really fun arm to use, fantasy or not.


Players that judge foes by ranks and NOWADAYS nametags are weirdos.


Ranking is mainly used to judge their contribution in this game and how to improve their motivation for fighting.

More pc players to bully? Bet. Can’t wait for them to hit higher BR’s

yesterday I won a conquest game im japan I carry it with other dude (the difference to top 3 and rest where huge) I die a lot due constand spam, and you know,it feelt good be useful even if I was a mere support (I end at top 1 lol) but many here tell you are a shit,bunch of kda ego players

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I usually look for name decoration, if I see a lot of old decoration that they get if they have been playing for more then 2 years, then I get nervous.


me when I see someone with VERY old decoration



Name decorations are definitely the thing to look out for.

Officer ranks just mean the player plays a lot. I recently hit Marshal, and yet I’m a terribly average player. :slight_smile:


Me to, I am just an average player but retired so I can play whenever I want.


I will toss in my hat as an average player who is almost to marshal.

As someone who’s played about 3 months (started during the May sale) - sure, it means I’ve played quite a few games.

But I am absolutely a better player today than I was three months ago or two months ago. Part of it is equipment (yay, land mines!) and part of it is knowing how, when, where and having the ability to - set rally points.

For all those people who think rank means literally nothing, there’s about 5000 players who have no idea how to, or the engineer capable of, dropping a rally point. I can’t count the times I’ve been in a match and seen new players go streaming past an APC or truck, without even trying to blow it up or even realizing it’s a spawn point.

So, saying rank LITERALLY means nothing ignores just how large the gap between player with 10 games under their belt and 50, or 500. So, it’s kind of bullshit. (All due respect, Luvs2Spooge).

It’s fair to say it’s no guarantee of winning. But having more experienced players on a squad is a big indicator of getting a win. I repeat, NOT A GAURANTEE.


I would say I am average on some days, and Rambo on others. But overall, I would probably say just above average. I rarely am the top dog on the team, but usually in the to 30-50% most of the time along with being one of the battle hero’s (usually the Tactician and best explosives…aka my anti personal mine addiction :rofl:}. I have played some games I thought I played horrific, yet ended up being top dog by a considerable margin, then realizing that everyone else on the team must have been noobs. :rofl:

Funny thing about the apc mines. I used to hate them with a passion, but after time figured out that if you can’t beat them, join them. So, when I play allies vs Germans on the A-B-C match where A) is a bunker, B) is a trench and C) is a small town area. I always go to C). I noticed that everyone seems to like to go to the same house. So, I go to that house and lay an apc mine at every downstairs door both inner and outer. Then I lay two mines on the stairs, one at the bottom and one towards the top. I wait in a bedroom with my whole squad and pop the first enemy out the window with my gun. He shoots back and he and his entire BOT squad run into the house…Well, to make this short, I hear one kaboom after another while his entire squad goes up in flames while I laugh my ass off knowing how pissed off he probably is. :rofl: I know because that has been me losing an entire squad to apc mines getting pissed every time. Ahhh, good times. :yum:

I still think that adding the rank system in a manner that it was displayed on scoreboard and killfeed was a mistake.

Yeah, I got on the APC mine train as well. When I’m defending or remember to anyway. There have been a few times when I’m shot in the face trying to lay a mine, however.

I don’t like it either. For one thing, the rewards for rank suck anyway. For another thing it’s misleading though I’m a general of the Army I’ve only been top on my team about a half dozen times. But, at the very least, it IS an indicator that someone’s played the game and are getting some experience at it.

Also, I tend to see marshals at the top of the scoreboard. But then again, 90% of my games are in BR1-3.

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