Dont change G43k - you will break my heart

I am crying. I don’t want to cry, I want to be happy.


on a serious note - just like the Breda has two versions, just add a second G43 K in full auto.

Pls devs, yes the G43k used to be super broken back in the day, but nowadays its already nowhere near as good as it used to be.

550 round per minute full auto would turn it literally into a “mediocre STG”, giving it no reason to be used anymore.


Would be cool if it was in the tech tree like a German M2 carbine.


Yes, I would very much appreciate it. There’s no other tech tree SF rifle other than FG… Kinda sucks from larping perspective.


@MajorMcDonalds see what they did to your favourite weapon. You must rise in rage. :fire:


I mean it is a phantasy weapon anyways, or at least more or less.

It being full auto or burst isn’t gonna make a difference to begin with.

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Especially since there’s no way how to obtain it for more than a 1,5 year.

They’ve done the same hideous thing just like with Mkb 35. Retrospectively changed a no longer obtainable weapon for nitpick reasons.

Cannot wait for Gorov LMG to be reclassified as MG and put at BR2 once it’s no longer going to be available.

I really do hate this approach.


A recoil increase similar to Breda PG (CR) would stop kurz from being laser, such a nerf would be more than enough IMO.

A full auto kurz is just StG for infantry.


That’s too much, you can barely hit anything with Breda PG (CR), adding some recoil and dispersion is fine but not too much to make it worse than all BR5 rifles.

G43k as in “kurz”?

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Gewehr 43 8mm kurz

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well yea there is no other g43 8mm kurz

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Gotta love the confused guy


Why do you still think its a laser? It got nerfed so many times…

It’s still a laser, just a slower TTK laser. I’d rather they double the recoil and lower the BR so it still had some sort of niche.

Well, it’s going to be basically normal AR usable by any AT gunner/Flamer/engineer and so.

As someone already said, I am just waiting until it gets reclassified to AR.
And as it should at this point (following their logic, since they deliberately did the same thing to MkB 35).

I am so disappointed.


I wanted to win, but not like this.


Am I the only one that likes the first pattern FG in semi auto more?

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Well, it had hilariously high recoil in full auto. But since FG-42 II isn’t locked only to Berlin campaign. I have literally 0 reason to use classic FG-42.

FG-42 II is superior in performance and in how it sounds.


well i just tried the fg42 (since i dont have the 2 version) and the buff seem to make it way better, less recoil than the main game at the moment

again tho maybe it still worst than the fg42 2 version but it does feel upgraded

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