Does this game features SSBM?

So, I’ve been playing again since a couple of weeks and I notice a pattern I know from War Thunder…
When I logged in, I had a couple of days with rather easy games, steamroll even, then it got more and more balanced
Then, I bought the battlepass, difficulty plummeted
And now, two weeks in, I felt the games getting more and more balanced till two days ago where I get again and again unwinnable games with solely newbies on my side, and handfuls of Generals on the opposite team…

Oddly enough, this pattern is the exact same thing I experience with another from Gaijin…
It’s too weird to be a coincidence, so my question is, is there some Skill Based MatchMaking in Enlisted?
And am I crazy or the only one who experiences those cycles?

No there isn’t a SBMM just a simple BR matchmaking


game has cycles of veterans stacking certain faction when interesting updates/events happen at least on BR 3-5. game is currently nearing balance from great american stack cause of t20 update, so you can expect games to be a lot more random now (with slight advantage to US/soviets) at least on BR5.

low BR was always lottery, cause you can get whole teams full of newbies on both sides, or you can get premade group of 4 skilled players in either team roflstomping other team.

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I’ll have you know it’s not a 4 stack. It’s a 2 stack but me and my buddy make up about 4-5 peoples worth of effort. Lol

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At least you got a buddy XD
Recently, I ended up loosing a game with 8256pts
It was more than 7 of the teammates combined (counting from top to bottom)
And about as much as two of my opponents…
I was (as always) the only guy who placed spawns too vs 3 in the other team and the only who uses a truck spawn
idk… This pattern is way too frequent in the last two days to be a coincidence

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There is no sbmm, nor rank based. It only cares about the br you have equipped(whatever the highest one you have is). Keep in mind that this is for parties too, so if you play with a friend that is brV and you are only one, you will play brV.

The ranks from the battle pass( ie private - marshal) does not constitute skill nor impact matchmaking… But it may show experience in other ways such as map knowledge and more rounded out loadouts and better gear pool to select from.

Due to the smaller size of the playerbase you will notice that many veterans shift over time with new releases… This causes certain factions to have easier and harder times for a bit… Usually every one to two months it shifts. Couple months ago Germany was winning everything and USA was hell to play, now the tide has shifted.

I don’t know any of the details to make a determination like that but I will say this; It’s not that odd actually if you consider that they all come from the same publisher/developers so they use some of the same technology in all of their titles but utilize them in different ways to achieve whatever outcome they are going for

I kinda stopped playing BR2 alltogether because it felt like I was just making new players uninstall lmao

Oh I still enjoy going down there for some much needed RnR laid back matches

What is this “laid back” thing you speak of? :stuck_out_tongue:
Still, it kind feels bad just curbstomping all enemy vehicles in the match with a single fighter (since in BR2 you can basically top down strafe any tank…and most enemy pilots are either completely blind or default to horizontal turn fights)
Perhaps now that there seems to be more players overall it would be actually viable to play? Kinda miss Tunisia

I wouldn’t know. I’m always infantry first. Lol