Does new frontline mean new "front"?

Notice how there are 2 wording? in the “answer your question” topic? i think it really mean it so it probably manchuria for jap vs ussr and the new battlefield will be france cause france is just allies vs german not really a “new frontline” to me imo but idk did they clarified it? i dont remember tbh

example of what consider “frontline”: pacific front, western front and eastern front

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Frontline should be bigger location (ex Moscow) for the maps (battlefield) we are gonna play in it, at least for me


I took it as a new battlefield… Kharkhin Gol perhaps?


Frontline is a campaign i.e. Moscow, Normandy, etc.
Battlefield is a map, like that industrial map set they added to Normandy.

Only question is if the Frontline/Campaign is just Manchuria/Khalkin Gol or something else with existing factions like Monte Cassino, OR if it’s another actual faction like France/GB/Italy

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My guess is that it’ll likely be a new battlefield with existing factions. It seems like the easiest thing to implement. I’d love to see Manchuria, Monte Cassino, or maybe even Sicily.

I would like to see both Manchuria for 4-5BR and Khalkin Gol for 1-2BR.

Would be much better than another frontline for germany or usa… In terms of breaking the monotomy of Japaneese single front and slightly better in terms of different maps, but still a single Soviet front.

Cuz right now Germans and Americans have the most variety of fronts in game :Р

In fact, they both fight with 2 different nations and they both have 3 completely different “aesthetics”, idk how to name it. normandy is very different than moskow/rzev/berlin or tunisia and pacific ocean is very different than normandy or tunisia.

Japanese need a new enemy and a slightly different fronline aesthetics. Khankin gol is mostly just a river and empty lands, thats something thats not look like a jungle, and Manchuria is a littly more jungly than Khankin Gol, but still a lot of empty lands and mountains, i guess, and thats cool and something new for the soviets, i think.


Japan cannot compete with soviets in current status. I hope not manchuria

Well the Allies and the Germans fought on a lot of fronts. Plus the Pacific Theater is basically the forgotten middle child of the war anyways

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The Allies deal with the Germans just fine. I’m sure the Japs can handle the Sovies well enough. Especially with your paper tank. Have fun


he will be able to, because now for the Japanese paper tank, the main enemy is the thunderbolt with its missiles, and the Soviets do not have such missiles on the top dash (however, the Soviets have a large-caliber mortar, but its use is rare)

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I’m still using the BR I or II plane with rockets for the Sovies. Lol

they have significantly worse damage, armor penetration, radius and ballistics. And on those slow planes, you’ll be a very convenient target for Japanese tops.


They do… And those work even better than HVAR on vehicles. They also have functional plane canons that work wonders vs vehicles.

And in case of a Zero or a Ki, there’s Yaks and La7…

Sovs are perfectly geared. Ho ri could never cut it.

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Give me a ISU152/122 (25% faster Rof over IS2) and all is forgiven


I want the Isu152, just because I want it. I like that thing, and I hope we get it sooner than later!


Its iconic and now with Kv2 at Br4 im hoping it arrives to give soviets its own big stick flavor they had irl

But for the love of all thats holy give Axis Mg42 100/200rd MG as well

Otherwise re front I presume it means the new campaign format as an event

Combined with previous statements theyre moving towards a jap/ussr event im presuming currently were getting a soviet-jap campaign (fingers crossed)



In every game I used it, I had a blast (ohohoh). Red Orchestra 1… WoT… etc. Veeeery slow reload, but such satisfying explosions, many Booms, very Soviet!

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Its Wot heat round is post war but the small profile and still descent reload (esp with Enlisted +20% rof buff) would be a true nemesis;

Still grabbing the KV2 once its on sale this christmas :grinning:

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This is only fitting.

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XO XO XO Komerade