Does Mark Felton actually play Enlisted?


Would be cool if so


I got hyped when I ran into this user, but I don’t think he actually plays. I do know he’s been sponsored by Enlisted at least once, so there is a possibility.


If the XxMarkFeltonxX is Mark Felton, I’ll have you know he dropped a 120+ kill game with over 7k xp. He is goated in the sauce.


I’ve also seen a MarkFeltonGaming

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yes they do/did and have made an appearance on the official discord before.

no idea on ingame name

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Dam man don’t mess with those historian I guess

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Moving past politics, I will add one thing:

History is made every day, And the actions that are done are recorded by Historians.
So yes, Modern day stuff does have a base in History, Or else our children’s children won’t know.

Guys, If you want to talk about countries, this is not the right place.

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This is very true.

Moving back towards the topic on hand is the best suggestion.

I’d love to catch that history carnival sideshow announcer Marty Felton in an A13 :boom: :rofl: