Would be cool if so
I got hyped when I ran into this user, but I don’t think he actually plays. I do know he’s been sponsored by Enlisted at least once, so there is a possibility.
If the XxMarkFeltonxX is Mark Felton, I’ll have you know he dropped a 120+ kill game with over 7k xp. He is goated in the sauce.
I’ve also seen a MarkFeltonGaming
yes they do/did and have made an appearance on the official discord before.
no idea on ingame name
Dam man don’t mess with those historian I guess
Moving past politics, I will add one thing:
History is made every day, And the actions that are done are recorded by Historians.
So yes, Modern day stuff does have a base in History, Or else our children’s children won’t know.
Guys, If you want to talk about countries, this is not the right place.
This is very true.
Moving back towards the topic on hand is the best suggestion.
I’d love to catch that history carnival sideshow announcer Marty Felton in an A13