Does it no longer give you 2 points for coming in first?

It is assumed that if you lost but were left as a “hero” you did not lose hierarchy points, however I just lost a game with the worst team that ever played enlisted, I finished first and they took away my points ._.

You never got 2 points for being a battle hero
You got 1, since you lose 1 point on a loss you get 0 points

1 for have a battle hero, 1 for a win, -1 for a loss

btw if you deserted points will be calculated after match you deserted ended so it may give an illusion that you got -1 for match played shortly after desertion even though it is just late calculation.

Yes, I explained myself badly… I lost and I was left as a hero and they deducted my points.

I didn’t leave, I completed the game and came in first, but they still deducted points from me.