Does anyone other then me like this SMG?

German M1918. I hated this totally gay looking gun the first time I got it and would not use if for the longest time, but found it’s actually a bad ass little gun in close in fighting. Once you get past the ridiculous looking mag sticking out the top and the crappy gun site, it’s a decent weapon. :joy: If the DEV’s decide to get all fantasy on us, can you please move the mag to the bottom of the gun. :yum:


i mean back before merge yea i kinda do i like it speed tbh

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Primarily I still use MP 40’s or M1 Beretta’s, but I have my 5 person Medic squad and one of my APC dudes carrying one of these.


i have them on my flyboy tbh since they dont usually survive the flight (or last long enough to be that threatening)

talking about when i parachute btw cause i dont always kamikaze myself

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I only Kamakazi myself if the time on the game is running out and there is no sense in turning back to rearm. However, I find it odd that I never kill anyone other then myself when I fly my plane into a house that is supposed to be full of enemies taking a control point. :thinking:

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one of life mystery anyway that “kamikaze” part on my comment was a jab at someone but im not gonna say who since they are quite talkative

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I agree, I started playing it recently now as I got it in premium squad bundle for 100e for the Steam test release. .
It’s pretty fun, but for most of the time I am only hip firing with it. The sights are really weird and don’t suit me.

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I hate his magazine design


There is another version of the gun which I hate more, but I found looking through the sites that if I fire in short bursts its pretty accurate. I also have a premium squad with these, and I have a multi level Medic squad I use for low levels with the M1918 and give them the ZK-383 for level 3

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Terrible sights, big recoil and small magazine + long reload time…

Still amazing dps - even better than Kiraly and PPSH in close range.

I prefer the OVP because the sights are on the other side.

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There was supposedly a prototype with a bottom-placed magazine feed.

They just flipped the receiver upside-down, which meant the spent cartridges were ejected straight upwards.


They should make that gun for the game. I would use it if it worked the same as the M1918. At least it would look like a normal gun. :joy:


well to be fair the M1918 was a ww1 (maybe post war? idk i havent search) gun so every ww1 smg look kinda weird tbh (thing like madsen as well)


I absolute love this firearm. Next to the MP40 the most used smg in my BRII lineups. I have two assault squads - one for more tactical and slower/precise actions (MP40, K98 (25mag) and K98 scope) and one for some aggressive and fast gameplay (M1918, Carcano Mod38 scope and Armaguerras).

The sights are crap, but it doesnt take long to deal with it. Hip fire is insane. Once I started to get used to this gun I started storming rooms like the russians do with their ppsh’s. Beat them with their own tactics - I love it…


Yeah, I have the Russian PPS42 an PPS43 and love them as well, but in a close quarters encounter battle, I would take the M1918 every time.

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Absolutely great guns too.
The M1918 has its con’s but when you got bullied by PPS42/43, Thompsons or PPSH’s it is just perfect for a rant moment “cleaning” this mess up.

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The Beretta M1 is slept on. I love it. Might just be in my head, but I feel like it’s way more accurate at distance than the MP40, thin front sight, 40 rounds. I prefer it over the MP40 in the BRII level SMGs. I hardly ever see people using it in my BRI-BRII matches.

I can’t stand anything blocking my FOV. Have never used the 1918.

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Basically the same recoil and firing rate as the MP 40, but the mag holds 8 more bullets, which is why I had switched from using all MP40’s to M1 Beretta’s. But, I go back and forth, so I am back to the MP 40 again. :rofl:


M1 Beretta, Mp38 and Mp40 have near identical stats. Very similar recoil.
Mp38 and M1 Beretta have 6.8 damage while Mp40 has 7.0
Mp38 has least dispersion and M1 Beretta has the most but the difference is small.
The most important difference is probably magazine size and reload time.
Mp40 is quickest, Beretta is slowest at reloading.

I don’t find any significant difference between these guns so I use Mp40s with my German and M1 Berettas with my Italian squads.

Please note that all stats are of max upgraded weapons.