Does anyone have the same visual glitch?

I already reported it!


That’s cursed af

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What is the model of your graphics card and how long is it used? Was there any unsafe use such as mining, overclocking, or high temperature? Is this also happening in other games or before this update?

Please also check about the condition of your graphics card, by running benchmark or stress test. This pattern looks like possibly it is due to hardware issue.

It is an rtx3070, and this only happen after the update, I was playing before enlisted and Battlefield 2042, and is 2 years old and I didn’t made anything to it… pls don’t tell me I need to spend 1k€ in another one hahaha


No dont happen to me, but dont worry, probably is a random graphic glitch due to the new illumination in the map, report it in the bug site and let dev fix it

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Sounds like a bad gpu overclock.

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Shiivex seems to have found a solution to this problem. If you meet this criteria, give it a try.

Hi you using a custom Hangar ?

please remove it and give it a try.

also, please,if you are using a custom hangar, tell me which one you are using, or please share the URL to download it, it has to be fixed !

I had the same issue this morning. I exited the game and went into OPTIONS, VIDEO and RUN BENCHMARK. Went back into game and there were no more issues. Didn’t have to reboot/restart and I’m using the Autunm customer hanger. Smooth as can be. Hope this works for all.

I’ve been having this issue too. Some other people I’ve met in game have had it as well.

Ty to everyone, i removed the hangar and it is perfect now!

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This fixed it! Thank you! I was using the Autumn hanger.

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Hi , i m glad , have fun !

The issue Has been fixed in version .

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