Does anyone have picture of the uncensored normandy panther?

I heard that it got removed because it represented ss tank. Does anyone have picture of it?

I remember it. Some sissy whined about it. Just one. It’s all it took for devs to remove it, then create a bland censored version instead. Remember: our Grandpas never fought ss, because ss never existed in the first place.

(Cancel culture I swear…)


There’s always one…I remember that post too. He was like looking to make a statement about it too

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There is…
Nowadays, the norm is to pamper the smallest minority and glorify it, even if the rest majority thinks differently.

I remember everyone was against this censorship, except the… “guy” who was offended by it.

It even made Scav_Sergei, who is quite possibly the most gentlemanly person in the entire forum, upset. (He likes history, like many here.)


Such an shame that the devs chose to listen to the loud minority.

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the panther used to look like this:


which they changed the ro2 to be ro5

and the LSHA logo near the bow machinegun removed/changed.

it’s " funny " that it’s still called ro2 in the editor


I found the skin in warthunder


I am disturbed, those kinds of “players” have any sway whatsoever…


Is this used to be GO or normal?

another question is was it (ss related stuff) banned at the time?

And by any chance, is this only player that got this skin banned still playing?


Sadly, even if we were to find out who it was, and if he still is playing, dark flow would delete any mention of them by an other player because they don’t like their players doing “witch hunts“ against other players.
In my opinion it’s stupid. Let us call out idiots. Especially the ones that deserve it.


±2 days ago, they bring back The saboteur (extremely underrated game btw) to steam. And it is so sad to see that EA game from 2009 have uncensored swastikas literally on every step. There’s not a frame without swastika.

Yet modern games like enlisted are pushing shameless censorship of history, just because they couldn’t sell their product in few countries where showing real history is banned.

I will never respect that.


I think the most recent AAA WW2 game to have the swastika in game was COD WW2, and that was almost 7 years ago, I could be wrong but I think they restricted it to the single player, still, I have respect for them putting it in the campaign, especially since games nowadays avoid the swastika like the plague.



I found some pictures of the panther in old forum post


i bet that sissy dont play Enlisted anymore, imagine playing WW2 Game and beeing pissed of by WW2 Symbols…


i mean cod 1 also have swastika so maybe steam arent that mad at censoring stuff i guess (but then again cod 1 was like 2003 i think? so not a good argument from me)


Like this weird bed flag or something

I asked for and got my 1200 gold refunded for it after the change.

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Oh, he’s still here. even posted last march 2nd.

The irony is he got double standards, because his pfp has the imperial Japanese rising sun flag (bandana), which is coincidentally as bad as what was found on German flags, but for chinese.

oh well.