Does anyone else feel like boosters are a curse?

It seem that every single time I have a booster active, the game gets WAY harder.
It’s like every game is just constant 2-3 VS 8-9 player matches.
Suspiciosly this doesn’t really happen without the booster and everything is fine and dandy.

If there is some dubious code in the game where if you have a booster it intentionally messes with the matchmaking (which I believe in), the fact that we can’t manually choose not to enable boosters is making this situation even worse.
Maybe this is why the devs don’t want to give that feature to us even though it has been requested a lot of times for quite a while now.


Boosters attract assault matches as attackers, and conquest modes, both in empty teams vs full stack teams!

It’s an Enlisted urban legend :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty much this.

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“conspiracy theory” :crazy_face:

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Conquest modes are ruling Enlisted from the shadows.

They are among us.



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Yes, I suggested several times to remove boosters. They’re causing unnecessary frustration.

I tend to forget they’re active most of the time. But yeah, if you’re aware and hoping to make the most of it, you’ll end up in a losing match and playing badly because you’re trying too hard.


It’s the joy of having finished the grind. I don’t care about boosters anymore… But I’m one of the few…


I don’t doubt what your saying one bit but for some reason I’ve never noticed any substantial difference in difficulty. I always get excited when I draw XP boosters because I need the XP for the Tech Tree


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If you ask WT players, yes

The thing that irritates me the most is the non-negotiable 18 hr availability - dunno how many I’ve missed because I need to sleep/work/have a life in the next 18 hrs! :frowning:


me too

It is a curse everytime I get a boost the enemy team magically get full team player and once it gone I’m back to fighting bot for some reason too much of a coincidence ngl

Maybe boost will be good for those clan player since they want a challenge all the time

I feel you. Seems like every time I get a boost, I get put in a match with a team of bots against a team of professional gamers. The higher the boost, the better the other team is :rofl: