Does ai commander have a condition for tank spawning or something?

Last night I decided to play custom to see these things and I have only saw 3 per side (so my team 3, enemy 3) so like is there a condition for them or something? Why don’t they just spawn 1 at the beginning?

Literally wait at first point for like 5 min and see none and then they start appearing after we cap it. Weird ngl.

They don’t spawn it at the beginning for let a human player do it and don’t steal tank slot at beginning of the battle, also they start spawn them if human player aren’t using them


If that the case then next time I’ll just rush the first point so they can spawn since sitting in the back waiting is boring in custom

I love trolling ai tank tbh they are funny

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I tried it once in custom, saw 5 enemy AI tanks in one battle, killed them all, just enough for the ‘destroy 5 tanks’ task. :grin:
Fun to see that they actually come to find and kill you when you attack them.

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Yea they are kinda scary ngl once they see you they are set on trying to kill you



Meme aside, I admit it would be fun have an AI so aggressive for costum matches, just for fun

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