Do you think it would be possible to use this machine gun as an infantry one?Why don't German machine guns have a belt for 100 rounds?

No signore (i thnk this is for mister but idk) gestano he said indeed not dead

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I read deed as dead :man_facepalming:


Time to invest in glases my friend


I guess is if we keep the tradition, it would be the double megazine mg34 who use two 50rd megazine unified

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That thing exists??? :thinking:

But yeahā€¦

Itā€™s iconic. And thereā€™s no reason not to add it, as the counterparts are there, for other factions:

100 belt 1919.

Maxim with 100 belt. (Tech tree!)
Rd44 (pistol rounds but still 100 belt)
Dp27 belt fed, 100ā€¦ (premium)

It really wouldnā€™t change much things compared to the 75 rnds magazine for the 34ā€¦ But it would make ppl happy :thinking:


those MG42 and MG34 boxes should actually give a dispersion bonus - having a loose belt is terrible on the move - especially when that belt is longer than 100 rounds.

The game should work in such way, that a MG with a 50 round box should perform so much better than the same MG with 100, that the 50 round box would always be picked first, unless you specifically play as a stationary target.

We should have 3 types of MGs

  1. small magazine MG, no dispersion

  2. small belt, slight movement penalties

  3. big belt, terrible on the move