Does anyone know when the devs have the merge planned? they only have 2 months left before the new year to carry it out or extend it into 2024
Yes, soon.
probably either with new BP or next BP. and considering that there is little information about merge, probably next BP…
I jusr hope they’ll release it on anniversary.
Do I believe in it? Not really.
eheh, no.
They are releasing the test server before the real war thunder conversion takes place, and then will gather feedback. So… certainly not with next bp.
Like Forlorn said, soon™
That’s not a really what I experienced with last test server lol.
I know…
But at least this time around, devs, and helpers also, mentioned it often.
Especially recently about the new currency system. It’s hope at least, because the new currency system prices does not seem very advantageous how it’s presented.
I highly disagree since I have no use for soldier orders. I am just being forced to basically waste half of my resources or spend it on something I do not want.
Forced to choose between big pouches or new weapons, its incredibly expesive. And I cannot use neither bronze orders nor soldier order. Basically just wasting part of my gametime completely. Making those items for silver weapon order even more expensive.
I do have hundreds of III and IV soldier prepared to sell after merge. Why? Idk, because bought them back them.
I even sold love of them back then to just get bronze orders.
That’s how irrelevant this specific currency is.
you know that DF has special power of extending BP if they plan to release the merge this year this is basically their last opportunity. they could easily release test server in a week or two and then have another few weeks of extending BP to process the feedback.
although i dont believe it will come with next BP… just simply not enough info leads me to believe it is nowhere near finished…
Oh, you misunderstood.
I didn’t mean the fact we will have a single unified currency. That, is really good.
I meant prices. Unless some tweaks are made, prices are plain horrible.
For soldiers class 3 and 4 especially. A class 4 will cost 11.5 silver order, converted. That itself isn’t the issue… the real problem is that they will keep rng stats. So to get a class 4 soldiers with suitable to perfect class 4 stats… you’ll probably have to waste the equivalent of 100s silver orders to get just one with good stats.
If rng was removed and we’d get perfect stats, OR could buy the missing stat points, I’d have no issues whatsoever with those high prices.
If you pursue the perfect soldier, you will find that your soldier card is as scarce as your weapon card. lol
I do have hundreds of them so who cares
I couldn’t care less
Btw. Currently it’s extremely weird we’re paying more for “endgame” (more like end campaign) weapons but endgamw soldiers has exactly the same price as starter ones.
There’s literally no logic, extremely odd design decision.
1sec after my premium expires
Because they redesigned weapon acquisition quickly without thinking, since they wanted rid off randomized weapon drops for 1 bronze or maybe it was ban on the lootboxes that made them panic i dunno. Honestly i wish we would still have them at least pistols could be easily acquired with a bit of luck.
I really don’t know who designed current currency for them, but he was obv extremely incompetent.
I really do look forward to new currency system. And it can be easily tweaked even after its release.
not really considering that cost of upgrading those soldiers is astronomical and they only get different perks with slightly upgraded stats which dont really influence builds very much. it would be different if there was bigger difference in stats.
You may not. Which is irrelevant because you’re part of a very low % of ppl that has unlocked most, and obtained most stuff.
But any new player, or those about to be ready to get them, will care.
Their bought price atm is the same, true, but their upgrade price is enormous.
The only difference is that right now, we can choose to only upgrade a good stats soldier, whereas with the new currency system, players will pay the same fortune for a soldier that will likely not have good stats.
It’s a downgrade. If rng is fixed with obtained stats, or the possibility to “perfect” them is implemented, prices will become fine.
As presented, they aren’t.
Not really, I do own both Pacific and Stalingrad for insta 4* soldiers.
And I could always re-sell the Pacific soldiers to get bronze orders. (Basically just transforming useless SO into BO for upgrades).