Do the devs listen to our suggestions? I doubt it

Hello my friends.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had a very hectic and overwhelming holiday time. From having personal things in life going on, work family etc, we have had little time to grind out any event let alone the battlepass. I would like if the event challenges moving forward did not reset every 2 days. I’m working 2 full time jobs and I play one or two games every other day if I can, yet I can’t even get one challenge completed. I pay for premium time so I can get the most out of the two games I play. I really wish there was some help on this. I’d love to have the cool squad from the event Fantasy Winter, but I know unfortunately that’s not going to happen. I won’t have the ability to purchase it and it will be lost to me forever. Over the past 210 days that I have played every day (logged in) I have only been able to get these event items: 2 ppsh41 (mp40 mags), the Mauser pistol with stock, the G98 with the trench mag, and I got the berda rifle… Granted I used gold to complete the challenges but sometimes the challenges are expensive and I need 15+ for one item. It’s unrealistic and annoying.

My other issue that I have is that when I start a game weather as Soviets,Axis or USA, the best plane pilots are in the game and on the enemy team. The moment I spawn in a plane or a tank, I am shot down or bombed. It’s becoming an issue that has occurred in 8 games over the past week or so. I am physically becoming exhausted from attempting to use any vehicle. I have some gold order vehicles that I can’t use or attempt to use.

My last gripe that I wish would be resolved is that of overheating or magazine changes.

  • If a machine gun has a magazine it should NOT overheat.
  • If it has no magazine and can be fired indefinitely, it should have its overheating cooldown.

I don’t understand why I have to wait for a cooldown and reload, especially if they both are a couple seconds off from one another, I am waiting for the cooldown so I can shoot 1 bullet, then wait to reload? Absolutely absurd.

My last gripe again is the research tech tree. If I have the ability to research something, I should be able to purchase it. I have given up entirely on researching anything of value because it takes too much time to research everything from the low tier so I can unlock a tier 5 item that I have already been close to unlocking since before the merge.
I just play the game for fun at this point. I want to be a part of the community and the depth of the game but it is very very difficult. I feel punished at every turn, every opportunity in this game. I spend money, real USD, punished. I put in a lot of time and effort? Punished.

I wish this game well, and I feel that it’s too expensive. We are on the verge of a real economic recession and collapse on a global level and a squad in game is $34.99. $24.99. That is absurd, especially for how little the squad actually plays. You either can’t use different weapons, or you can’t sell them etc.

I don’t know my friends, I just want to enjoy the game and I feel like there are more issues that solutions.

I may also be alone in my thoughts, so let me know if anyone thinks similarly to me or opposes my ideas.

Thank you for your time reading. Have a wonderful day!


Well - the devs obviously listen. A lot. Don’t mistake not listening with not doing everything to suit you alone, personally.

Your event example - within an hour of the announcement they halved it’s requirements off the back of player feedback. Not to mention the usually weekly blogs with player requested updates - but obviously they can’t do everything that everybody wants all at once.

Premium squads are entirely optional - I’ve probably played about 3 years and not bought single one and never had an issue with their existence. While premium time compared with any other game is very reasonable and all you really need. Then the battle pass is effectively a one off purchase forever if you’re playing that regularly.

I don’t really like premium/event squads that much myself anyway - I prefer more customisable squads. I’ve unlocked a few event ones, but rarely even use those - even the paras.

But at least you’re enjoying it anyway - can’t be all bad - and it does steadily tweak and improve over time. The unlocks aren’t that slow with premium and I’m sure they’ll iron out the research tree issues soon enough - but it’s perfectly normal to have to unclock the early game stuff to get to late game.


There def needs to be a respect for our time. They can’t expect us to grind like no lifers and still work our jobs and rest when we need.

And no, I’m not going to pay money just to keep up without events due to not having enough time with a job. I work two also. I’m not falling victim to that marketing / psychology.

They make it almost impossible to earn the reward. If you miss a day or two you’re screwed. It’s extremely predatory.


Developers ignore suggestions of players:

After all - they are programmers, not players - and that is why the game looks like now.


after 2 years of this community, i can see why. is it ok? no but i can see why they do it


Yes that’s understandable to have to play to unlock late game stuff, yet for Berlin and Normandy I was already in the late stages of the campaigns, thus I would have unlocked the late items by now, but now I have to start back at the beginning for two campaigns I played less frequently.

Yes, unfortunately I’m either too stupid to admit to buying a few event items (literally just one just to say I have one) or I’m rich as Bill Gates! :joy:

Like with fixing the American gun’s sights (still not fixed)?


We need to see their stats post-merge for their account to confirm.


Oh yeah, you wanted unplayable sights for historical accuracy - which nobody would use.

Again - difference between not listening and not doing something that would make the game worse for the sake of a very small minority.

Oh, like in Enlisted?

Yeah your examples of realistic sights there make them even worse…?

You think Enlisted is an example of realistic sights. LOL


Nope - where have you got that from? I’m referencing your post with photos of real life sights that would be unplayable in game…

Hope they are selective in listening. Most of the “suggestions”, like 90% make no sense.


Me looking for where I posted the actual pictures of gun sights instead of Enlisted’s gun sights in this thread:

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Ok so in the post you linked you weren’t asking for realistic sights - you added photos or real sights because you prefer the ones in enlisted?

No, sir, I didn’t link anything in this thread. All I did was quote pictures. You are confused.

You may have gone to the entire post, but that is not what I linked. All I did was quote pictures.

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they listen… and implement suggestions after 2-3 years…

this is halved? not really

event was stupid before (seriously does any of the devs even play the game) and it is stupid now. 10 battles in 2 days is just too grindy, specially for christmas where you should spend more time with family.


Yeah but there is my point - they can’t do what everyone wants.

I’ve completed 4 of 5 event tasks in no more than 5 games and that’s plenty to get everything I want - I don’t think it’s that bad. I enjoy the game, so playing 2 hours or so over 2 days really isn’t anything.

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