Do the devs enjoy making good things in this game bad?

They can’t rely on the same guys to pay for everything, eventually they are gonna start to make the grind even more insufferable because, money. I don’t think they care how much fun we are having or how much fun are they taking out of this game.

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This…The bottom line is it is a video game and the developers are in it to make money, and if we’re happy along the way that is a bonus to them, but not a requirement.

If they don’t start caring about keeping the players happy, then their cash cow is going to continue to dry up…Rapidly

However, the cost of high-level soldiers has increased by 7 to 11.5 times.
Germany used to have only 5 campaigns.

Now it takes about a year for free users to max out only soldier status for one faction.
before that they have to grind another 6 month for a BRV setup.

My premium account just expired and the difference is really huge.

I can’t have an opinion on that, as I’ve never been a f2p player except for the first week of playing. And I have no idea what kind of experience they have.
As for soldiers, if they removed the need to pay for removing/changing perks. I wouldn’t have a problem with their current state.

The fact that pre-merge I and IV soldiers cost exactly the same was completely illogical and bizarre. Especially when the weapons were priced differently and logically. It only completely devalued the value of soldier silver orders, which were completely useless to me and I hoarded so many of them. Meanwhile I’ve had a shortage of Silver Weapon Orders.

Part of this is because you’re not looking for soldier max status. If you try maxing out an entire army and play long enough, you’ll find that soldiers cost far more than weapons.

No, because I had max rolled perks in my most used squads :slight_smile:
Plus I had over 400+ III/IV soldiers in reserves in preparation for selling after merge.