Do not sell any squads

Keep as many as possible so that you are able to spam. I just now discovered I can have 3 mortar squads and just spam mortars all game. You can do the same with Flamethrowers…


I put 4 flametrooper squads in my line up yesterday, it worked (but didnt play).

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Lol first time hearing of someone liking the mortar squads so much


to be fair, on normandy they do look good:

and… the heavy mortar can destroy tanks


They decided to not implement 2 squad limit. It was written somewhere in news.


3 flamethrower squad cycling
muh diversity


it’s a shame they didn’t followed through…


which is worthless and waste of slots since you can only circle through 3 squads


not quite.

it’s great if you need to upgrade the other squads.

but have a fully decked backup squads when things get heated.

It wouldn’t be bad if they would make all things actually worth using.
But so far the only notable thing was the BA damage buff from like 2y ago. They are still not as good as ARs though.

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h e r e s y

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1vs1 BA are good
squad vs squad, full auto wins always

(i assume equal skill)

try the mas, or pre war kar 98

bolt cycle and ammunitions are a must

your soldier will look like an alien by how fast he can spinn the bolt and ammo.

( haven’t tried the vg 2 with new perks fully maxed for bas )

I made similar setup. Holding LMB still works better. Doesn’t require perks nor effort.


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It’s caled “sad reality”. Better get used to it.

playing full autos are ridiculously easy, despite the dispersion I am still better off killing people on mid-long ranges as I have basically more chances to make a successful hit, shooting with rifles is hard given how soldiers become tiny on far distances.

I think full auto zoom should be reduced, firstly it would actually buff them since you’d be much more aware and focused of your surroundings (where your weapon perform the best) secondly if you can’t see enemies you wouldn’t even have chance shooting them.

however I’ve seen people asking for shotgun zoom so :person_facepalming:


Ppl would “reeee stop helping campers” you to death.


you could then increase recoil, most importantly increase recoil as you shoot, so it gets greater over time, so quick bursts are fine but spraying ones’ whole squad 100m away is not.


Well that’s nice for the veterans I can’t imagine what a new players have to experience when they don’t even have extra squad slots when they go against veteran players in low levels or F2P players with their four lovely Squad slots

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