Do 20mm and .50 cal rounds from tanks go through walls?

They are considered tanks in the game, so do they have the same ability?

Yes and no, it depend if it is a soft wall or not.

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Are the wooden houses in Moscow considered soft walls? I saw that the tank shells were allowed to penetrate wooden walls without going off and didn’t know if 20mm and .50 cal got the same treatment.

Yes, they are!

Tip: it not only works with high caliber… :wink:

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Not sure about the tank mounted .50. I know they nerfed the HMG nests so they no longer penned walls (or at least I remember them saying something bout it) but no clue if the M2 on tanks follows the same nerf

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Moscow walls are 15mm thick(30 if it’s 2 walls), so as long as your shell has enough pen, it can go through

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Yeah moscow wooden houses are fun…
I remember one time hiding myself and my squad behind a house, only to be massacred by a HMG just shooting blind through the house…that was fun
So since then I learned this, also Moscow: