Disarm reserve dont work

the last update destroy the disarm reserve bottom or is just me? now this option remove the accessories and leave the weapons equipped before the updates the disarm reserve bottom removed everything from the soldier


I’ve found that it does disarm the soldier, but leaves the primary weapon equipped, regardless of if it’s upgraded or not. It’s a bit annoying, especially when you want to pass on their weapon to another soldier.


Exactly, my friend. Sorry if I didn’t explain myself well. English is not my native language.

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No worries, it made sense to me. :slight_smile:

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another bug with engies its about tool boxes and medpaks in big bags…

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yes, tried to disarm my whole Axis army on the test server. Didn’t work at all.

Too lazy to make a bug report of it (especially since I’m not planning to disarm them :no_mouth:).

Maybe someone else?

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I did the bug report. I have tier 2, 3, and 5 in each army. Every time I do disarm, I cause a disaster.

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