Disable tickrate warning icon

When you are playing a game, an icon like this appears in the upper right corner of the screen.

It’s the tickrate warning icon, right?
I enjoy editing replays to create highlight scenes of the game, but I can’t turn this off.I can already hide the HUD, but I can’t hide this warning icon, I want to hide this.
So…what I would like to propose is an option to hide this.

That icon( high ping warning) comes up no matter which server I choose.
I’m connecting from Asia and there are no Asian servers, so it’s not surprising.
(So this is unbelievable, even though this game is serviced in Asia…)

It’s also stressful to be constantly shown warnings about things that can’t be helped, so that’s why I want to hide this warning.
Please give me the ability to hide the tickrate warning icon.


I have this icon a disturbing amount of the time and am in the Seattle area. I have the fastest internet Xfinity offers (plenty fast) and no issues with any other game or service. Your post isn’t even really complaining about it but making a reasonable request but it’s worth pointing out that being in Asia isn’t the only problem.

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Thanks for your reply.

First, I have to tell you. I am actually speaking under the assumption that this icon is a high-ping icon, but I don’t know what it really means.
I have not been able to find any documentation anywhere that explains what the icon really means…
So, it is my imagination that this icon is a high ping warning. So it could actually be an icon with a completely different meaning.
As an example, it could be a warning that “you are playing games too long today” or “your hamster is gnawing on the server cables”… (Just kidding…)

However, there is a basis for my guess.
Battlefield 4 used a very similar icon. So, if it is the same as Battlefield, this icon is a high ping warning.

But I digress. It is odd that I get the high ping warning even though I live in North America and choose a North American server. It could simply be that the servers are of low quality…
I occasionally get FPS warnings as well. However, the FPS counter for the game is not below 60 and I have no problems with the refresh rate of my monitor. Strange.

Anyway, I would like an option to hide it. I want to at least decide not to care.