Different AA/AT guns for different nations

as everyone knows, we are stuck with the Flak-38 and M1 AT guns for all nations. It doesnt make much sense an American engineer builds a German AA gun during battle.

Some reccomendations:

Battle Of Moscow


12.7mm DShK Heavy MG (with AA sight)
RoF: 600 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 850 m/s
the DShK was mounted on a tripod to be used as an AA gun.
Ammo: 12.7×108mm

Germany can keep it’s Flak 38

Invasion of Normandy

37 mm gun M1
Stationary autocannon.
RoF: 150 Rounds/Min
Muzzle Velocity: 910 m/s
Ammo: APC-T M59A1 Shot, HE-T SD M54 Shell.
Germany used the 8.8 Flak but it may be too op as it can be spammed against troops. (unless certain depression angle limits were implemented)

Battle of Berlin


37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K) (this can be made stationary to avoid anti-infantry spam)
RoF: 160-170 RPM
Muzzle Velocity : 880 m/s
Ammo: OR-167N (Frag-T), BR-167 or BR-167P (AP-T/HVAP), Unknown HE

If anyone else has more ideas please fell free to comment below


i would like to see these in game instead of mg 42
M1919 Browning

M2HB heavy machine gun mounted on an M3 tripod!
1024px-M2_machine_gun_at_Musee_de_l_Armee-IMG_7566-white (1)|690x460

for at weapons i would like to see M114 [155 mm] howitzer

M45 Quadmount .50 800 rounds of .50 BMG before reloading. USA Normandy.

BTW if USSR in Moscow gets a single DSHK for its AA then Germany should get the single 20mm

ZPU-4 - just to be able to share the soundtrack. :slight_smile:

I mean, the Russian and Germans have their own guns?
I don’t know where you got the idea that they all have the M1 AT from?

Yes alredy each nation have ther onwn AT guns and heavy MG, but I think it could be great that also all factions have their own AA guns, preferably without shields (to reduse its anti infantry use); for example:
-Russia: 37 mm M1939

  • English: 40 mm Bofor, etc.