Difference between br2 and br3



So,isn’t the gap a little to much?

What exactly do you mean by that?


I don’t see a difference. You have 4k points in both games. You won’t always be the best.


Maybe the silver gain is all I notice, but not by much.

I had to squint my eyes to even notice the difference myself lol.

I think what he may want to express is that as a BR3 player, he cannot compete with BR5 player for rankings and medals when going uptier.
So we need ±0BR or something.

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It’s so stupid. I’ll take BR1 gear and take one BR5 thing to throw me at BR5 and I’ll still be first in the table or top 2.

That’s not a good thing either.
It means most of the player you meet plays bad or cannot understand the game.

This is a serious problem. Most players don’t understand the game. They approach it like BF or CoD, but Enlisted is a completely different game.