Did this get removed?

I noticed they removed the T-34 STZ from the research tree after the merge.

Yes, you cant unlock it anymore.

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But you can still select it for hte 645 tank regt, at least.

Same goes for Pz IV G, mp717 and the romanian rifle.


Mannlicher m93


Half of Stalingrad stuff now locked for new players.

oh i didnt know the STZ t34 got remove oh well

It is not that different from classic T-34 1941 tbh. Plus BR3 queue sucks atm.

yea still too bad that i didnt get it for collection purposes (also kv1 is better for br3 imo)

i assume the skin for it is still there? if so i guess i will get it for collection

No, it isn’t. They intentionally remove it with release of merge as well.

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It is actually really good. It has extra frontal making it really good vehicle in low br. 88 cannon pen it frontally so you will have to aim for the turret cheeks

the skin got also removed. I have it and it is probably the most unique bp skin ever.

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it the black coating one right? tbh i really should have buy that since it beautiful but i thought more “cool” vehicle would come so i save it (beside during that time i was farming axis so yea there wasnt much reason to buy for me and now i regret)

Yeah it is the black one. I almost bought the kv 1 skin but luckily i changed my mind

+Soviet Thompson

capture breda 30 (soviet)