At launch i bought them for the KV-1. But i can’t buy it for my other tanks?
They removed plane designs for tanks and also other way around, if you remove an plane design from a tank you wont be able to use it on a tank again, only on planes
Aww… and I wanted to paint a sexy panzer for the fun of it with pinups…
i still have them equiped on my tanks
as long as i dont remove them, they will be there forever.
same as mp43’s on normandy tankers
so i kinda have, 2 unique tanks, forever
Aah you make me jealous. Pictures or it’s false!
Never should have been available in the first place. I personally fought as hard as I could to have them removed.
The fun police
When will they add proper German Balkenkreuz, the crosses you see on 99% of pics from Wwii tanks from Germany as they were mandatory?
Well, at least give us some titties instead…
Brought to you by “I just want a WW2 game to have WW2 aesthetics” gang.
These literally should be pre-rendered on all German tanks, not even as customization option.
Basic WW2 stuff.
I don’t see how my panzer 4 having a cartoon face gets rid of that any more than squads full of assualt rifles and the gameplay being mostly zerg rush point.
Its to bad i can’t put them on my other tanks. I hope they add it back like warthunder. Unless to many people cry what other people do with their vehicles
Some people are just said trying to ruin the fun for others. It’s their only life goal
Authenticity vs immersion. One is suspension of disbelief to accomodate for a more fun gameplay, the other is just sacrilege against iconic WW2 vehicles and turning them into clown wagons. Like the image above.
Ah you’re one of those guys. My opinion is correct and that of others is wrong!
Ah you’re one of those guys. Every game must be Fortnine with Anime skins and emotes, or else haters hate “fun”.
Youre delusional these are pin ups/nose art you know used in ww2 on vehicles. Not anime skins. You just have proven you have no argument