Did old monitor can effected game performance?

Hello hai, can i ask… my LED monitor has blown up in this morning…

Right now im using i7. with old monitor Samsung syncmaster 793SG from 24 yearsold ago.

Is this affected game performance? my fps so drop lag and my pc always getting flicker for this time…

Should be just affects FpS showed if you play with more than 60fps, because higher refresh rate are incompatible with them


Uhmm okai sir i would tried that. this weekend maybe im gnna buy new one monitor. idk such a monitor can make so lag for the game.

Monitor does not effect in game performance in term of the amount of FPS the game have however Monitor affects how many (Hz) frame u can see within 1 second , color quality , resolution of the image and response time of the image being showed.


will it affect fps? no.

but it can affect other things like screen tearing cause you have more fps than monitor is able to display so it starts to display new frame in middle of rendering old frame.



I think my refresh rate are really so bad thats why make the game a bit lag. thankyou for your support sir.im just bored got no thing to play in my weekend. tommorow ill buy new one. ty

No the Colt Monitor works just fine. Lol

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I think I read in an article that said older monitors are better for competitive gaming.

maybe you read about CRT monitors, not older LCD monitors. old LCD monitors are pretty shit. CRT on other hand had much better response time than current LCD monitors and were typically between 75-100Hz from start(there were some with higher refresh rate than that, but they were expensive).

btw when i bought first LCD in ~2011 it was downgrade cause of 60Hz display rate when i was playing with 100Hz monitor before.

also didnt notice that monitor above is CRT monitor :stuck_out_tongue:


I think they were also talking about console gaming, particularly older consoles. At least, I saw a few Youtube videos talking about CRT monitors making a comeback in those setups.