Diary of a veteran player who cares about history in this "New Enlisted"

Game 44.
Japan BR 2.
New georgia Confrontation.

Nice game, felt very much like WW2 and Pacific. Solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 32/44

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Game 45.
Germany BR2.
Cahif Village.

Nice game, felt like Tunisia.
Solid 1 WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 33/45

Game 46.
Germany BR5.
Hurtgen forest invasion.

I’m sorry but that second objective is tanking heaven

HVARs are dangerous, but King Tiger just slaps

In terms of WW2 – solid point: paras, Jumbos, Fireflies.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 34/46

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With all due respect: Y’all want something way different from the devs, There are many games out there which will fit your taste, Now imagine if COD WW2, HLL, PS were all basically copys of each other and repeated over and over and Enlisted followed, WW2 games would just become so dry and void of fun.

Everyone here is asking for HA, I don’t really think you understand what you want, Stalingrad would just be a suffering place and not at all fun to play. tanks could just spawn in with no ammo, No fuel, some of the crew just gone.
Enlisted is going for a unique style and it’s doing it well, What you guys want is just not going to work. There’s clearly a large number of players who love the game as it is or the devs would have done changes by in terms of campaigns and such.

Just like how people beg for enlisted to bring modern day stuff in, This is just not going to happen.

I bring a simple suggestion: Head off to PS or HLL for your HA game.

Your idea of historical accuracy is not my idea of historical accuracy.

I’m looking for simple things in a WW2 game:

  • iconic battles (not excluding eastern front)
  • no fake stuff (AS, RPD, etc.)
  • no time travelling tanks and weapons
  • authentic looking era appropriate cosmetics

All of this is easily possible and would be Fun for me.

Literally never have I ever asked for tanks spawning with no fuel or any other milsim level.


Welcome back and happy winter holidays!

Game 47.
Germany BR2.
Stalingrad, Gogol Street Assault

Despite oddities like Mosin model 44 in Stalingrad 42-43, the game felt good.
Solid WW2 point.

However balance wise, it’s not okay when you did better than the enemy’s no.1 player while having fun with Pz II Flamethrower even though you’re in 5th place.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 35/47

Game 48.
Germany BR2.
Moscow, Maisky Forestry.

Felt like WW2, solid WW2 point.

The Soviet faction suddenly became gigachads.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 36/48

Game 49.
Germany BR2.
Vysokovo Village (wow!?)

The German faction suddenly became braindead. Or the Soviet team were gigachads with PPSh and KV (stacks, of course)

In the first minutes I palced my transport spawn, destroyed enemy’s transport spawn as well as FOUR rally points.

Meanwhile my team was doing god knows what with 0 engineer points.
Also one single Soviet PAK gun was decimating our spawn and approach without rallies (me too, because I could not see it at all).

That’s an insta quit – sorry dear teammates, not sorry.

Felt like WW2 though, solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 37/49

Game 50.
Germany BR2.
Beloe Lake (wow!?)

Despite SOME genius rally points by teammates

We somehow still won

Felt great, solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 38/50

Really happy to see Vysokovo Village and Beloe Lake back in rotation!

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so… you’re against it, but enjoying it so far?

(p.s. i guess… sorry for ruining your diary? )

I am against what?

well, from what i gathered,

you didn’t liked the merge

you were against the unification of factions and equipments,

also partially against the maps available at certain tier

( also, volkssturm weapons in low tier. which if you find a panzer J, it’s a sign you’re bounded to meet certainly some vg2s and vg1-5 )

correct me if i’m wrong

( i suppose, i’ts more about the br thingies than the other but )

i guess i’m more surprised about the score being high from you.

that’s all.

It was inevitable from the start, the Campaigns system was clearly not sustainable and grinding MP-40 five times was not something I enjoyed doing or defended.

The merge as a concept was predictable and I wasn’t/am not against it as a concept.

No I was always pro that, it just makes sense.

Absolutely, Stalingrad should never ever see BR 4-5 i.e. Tiger 2 – I will never play a match like that.

I haven’t met VS weapons on low tier so far but Pz IV J bothers me indeed and I’d campaign to have it either moved to BR4 or swapped by F2/G for low tier games.

I like the merge as concept but my stance that it shold be improved history wise without damaging / splitting anything, such as Stalingrad removed from BR4-5, SAS boys recieving warmer clothers than shorts for Normandy, Pz IV J removed from/swapped by F2/G in low tier games and Seagull + LVT sending my US army to Pacific much more often than Tunisia and Crusader/A13 vise versa to Tunisia over Pacific, etc.

I always said Enlisted was always almost fine in terms of WW2 for me, just needs that tiny extra step forward and attention to detail, I’m certainly not ‘milsim purist’.


clear enough to this point until now i suppose.

and… you seem offley convinced about this?

yeah i’m not sure that will actually happen just to appease few.
just… saying.

let alone giving a supposedly rare tank behind acesss owners for everyone as a replacement.

we have been lucky so far with uniforms, but even there it’s a long stretch.

yeah, it’s kinda the thing that somewhat boggles me.

the two can’t really cohexist for the nature of what one tries to tackle, and the other being the active problem.

such as,

Br = supposedly balanced
HA = creates and is by nature, unbalanced


i am…

anyway, i fairly sure we’re kinda passed that point with the upcoming japanese wonderland tank ( not particularly against it. personally, if i want a truly authentic ww2, i make my own mods about it against bots ) and the various new proto guns it’s… going south for the likes of you.

but, it’s weird you don’t get to face many of the things you are against outside one or two matches.

great you’re enjoying it so far, one might call it a paradox.

No, all I mean is tweakes on top of BR which don’t change the BR/balance itself.

I guess the fact that I refuse to play USSR top BR with Fedorov + AS + RPD + MT + Belt DP meta helps with that.

Game 51.
Germany BR3.
Tractor plant conquest.

Soviet team again suddenly gigachad strong, German team suorisingly low rank and braindead, but WW2 feling was ok, solid point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 39/51

Game 52.
Trying something new: all 4 factions on BR2, “join any team” on (Darkflow XP bonus where?)

Result: USSR on Kamenka River (wow!?) conquest

Paratroopers doing all the work, 0 deaths, but teams felt super unbalanced again.

Solid WW2 point though.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 40/52

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Game 53.
Join any team.

Japan. Pacific Munda Trail.

My god impact grenades are such an awesome mechanic…
Especially when this lovely chinese characters guy has 3 on each soldier

WW2 felt nice though, if it was not for constant British paras with Welgun and magic impact grenades spam while we the Japanese don’t have them.

0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 40.75/53

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Game 54.
Join any team.

Germany. Ruins of Vaux.
Low BR Germany and US now play in Normandy??

My god, these teams though… what did I do for such karma?

Felt like WW2 though, 1 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 41.75/54

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Game 55.
Join any team.

Japan. Alligator Creek.

Pacific matches are hard to judge on the WW2 scale because most of the Japanese tree past BR1 is basically made up, so take these ratings with a pinch of salt.

Let’s say 0.75 WW2 points because there were no obvious eye sores.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 42.5/55

Game 56.
Join any team.

Japan again. New Georgia.

Another genius team that snipes with bolt actions from far away and doesn’t build rallies.

0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 43.25/56

Game 57.
Join any team.

Germany. Steel Mill.

Surprisingly, another low BR Normandy game. I was sure that before Germany low BR was only playing Moscow and Tunisia.
Kind of weird to see MP-28 in late war scenario but I guess “Germany had to scrap whatever they could in Normandy” works here.

Surprisingly, another braindead Germany team where only 1 other person knows how to build rallies.

Felt nice though, solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 44.25/57

Now to address this point, I do believe that I created kind of a ‘safe space’ for myself by only playing BR2, where I don’t meet any of the cancerous eye sore BS like Tiger 2 in Stalingrad so far.

So for the sake of experiment the next few games I will play as “Join any team” on BR3 (except Japan BR2 because I simply haven’t unlocked the BR3 stuff) to have all the maps and MM queues available for selection.

However, obviously I do not to waste my own time so any BR4-5 game in Stalingrad will be an insta quit and 0 WW2 points, and my BR3 KV-1 with 76mm T-34 in Berlin also have high chance of being an insta quit.


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But before I move to BR3 tests, some final BR1-2 games:

Game 58.
Germany BR1.

Tunisia Fortress.

Nice game, solid WW2 point, however I did feel dirty when using a Czech Pz 38t in Africa.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 45.25/58

Game 59.

Kamenka River (!) conquest (boo)


Nice WW2 feel but another unbalanced stomp.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 46.25/59

Game 60.
Japan BR2.

Munda Trail.

Nice WW2 feel, standard Pacific 0.75 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 47/60

Game 61.
Japan BR2.


Nice WW2 feel, standard Pacific 0.75 points.

Not sure how you can now kill yourself with AP mines?


TOTAL WW2 so far: 47.75/61

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Game 62.

Vysokovo Village.

Slugfest and meatgrinder, braindead team refuses to build rallies again, but the Germans finally stopped at the last objective.

Proper Barbarossa experience, solid WW2 point.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 48.75/62

Game 63.

Vysokovo Village again.

Nice WW2 feel again but this time a roflstomp.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 49.75/63

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Game 64.
Join Any Team BR2.

Ah. Finally it was my time to be that guy who forgets one squad/weapon and my otherwise BR2 bolt-action based squad got sent to Berlin just because my Sd.Kfz 7 guys had G41s.

Valiant effort by the team though (update, further investigation shows top 3 were a stack :confused: ), and decent WW2 feel if it wasn’t for the occasional AS BS in the kill feed.

0.75 WW2 points.

TOTAL WW2 so far: 50.5/64

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