DF, is this the two day cycle you agreed on?

All accumulated experience 24 hours ago be cleared. This is what you call a two-day cycle.

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That’s a bug, it counted as a 1 day reset, devs are aware of it

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what time fix and about ex?


Which means he should refresh every two days? So what should I do with the score I received after this error was fixed. I have already scored 14000 points in the first stage, but I scored 4000 points in the second stage. What will happen to them.

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ok so idk what yall are talking about but im logging in to see so

if this bug arent fix does that mean i can get stage 2 reward early? like will it get roll or can i get my stage 2 reward today if i decide to not wait for the fix?

summary: can i get stage 2 reward today?