this is a massive understatement, the chinese HAAATED the japanese until recently and considering the rape of Nanking can’t blame them.
this unit is also from the sichuan clique which wasn’t apart of the japanese control and would fight against the japanese unlike the manchu in the north. the manchu dressed more like the imperial japanese army than what we see
It does make sense to have them from historical point of view…
But since ya obviously wanna appeal to Chinese audience, reminding them on collaborating forces on their New Year event is… definitely a unique marketing move.
it shouldn’t be done period, if you were to give the japanese any chinese units it would have to be from their puppet state which was populated by the manchu people
To be honest, I think only those super-MAGA Americans and maybe CCPs complain about such events or that they put Chinese forces into the US TT.
Technically, the USA faction is the (Western) Allied tech tree since they include British and Australian squads and weapons, but I guess DF does not care about that detail or simply forgot to (re)name the TT properly, which… sounds realistic in both cases. And the at least the Chinese nationalist forces count as Western Allied since they got pretty much all of their shit during the war from the Allies beyond minor support from the Soviets and Germany.
And being realistic, a Chinese faction will never come.
But a fat freedom™-supersized like for that one:
It’s really sad because they don’t have any more content to release, they don’t release anything to Japan anymore, they only give them leftovers like what happened with the shotgun.
Not to mention that Japan only has the USA to fight, when the Japanese conflict was really with China, Japan declared war on the USA partly out of ego and partly because of its alliance with Germany.
Adding China to the Pacific conflict would give more variety (mainly in maps, since Pacific has the same 3 maps as always.)
The China-Japan conflict alone has enough content for 1 year xD
And if they really want the Asian giant in their game, giving them their own campaign with content and events would really be what they should do and not a simple unit that in my personal opinion looks worse than simple and to top it off they give it to their rival. xD
There were 2 different Chinese factions fighting the Japanese the loyalists ROC(USA Aligned) forces and the insurrectionists CCP(Soviet Aligned) which still hold west Taiwan to this day the unit here is wearing communist not roc uniforms they should be in the soviet army.
…US declared on japan because the japanese attacked the US as a preemptive measure so they can secure resources such as oil and they saw the Philippines as a threat
could be sichuan soldiers since their outfits match but i wish they gave us information about the unit like they did with other squads
DF needs to give Japan some significant level three love, so people playing Japan won’t automatically bypass level three to go play level five, which essentially has killed off the level three Allies/Japanese games.
I am all in favor of giving the Japanese better weapons, and more adversaries, but their attention is, as I pointed out needed at level three. Add some matches with the Japanese vs the Soviets and Chinese, however if they add a Chinese faction, they would have the same problem as the Japanese do now, only have the Japanese to fight.