DF, don't add BR5 to the pacific

This is going to bring an already imbalanced campaign to total ruin and even worse than Tunisia axis was. There are already tons of stupid things the Japanese suffer from, most notably the veichles,and yes, the japs are getting a new tank destroyer that is supposed to have good frontal Armour and a good cannon, which is going to let them have something good, but the Pershing and super Pershing are going to make it even worse(not to mention it will be even more a pain in the ass to kill than the jumbo). And the fact that is is open top means that planes don’t have to worry about their Armour,and that campaign is an American pilots favorite due to almost no competition and being able to destroy any Japanese veichle with ease. And to add on to this, the pacific maps are usually very open and easy to bomb and spot enemies. And not to mention the infantry weapons coming to the pacific as well, the M2 carbine, which was shown pre merge to be 100%balanced against the Japanese(the best they can do to match it is a shitty clip loading rifle or garand copy,which is worse than the gun lower than it,both are terrible, and don’t even have automatic firing modes) . The 1919a6 is going to be an issue, even though people say it isn’t good(likely because the ppl who have used it haven’t played much Germans and understand a more heavy defender friendly MG) and yes, a slow ROF isn’t great,but it has low recoil, and a slow ROF but it is still good enough to do a lot of damage with that 100 round belt (which no axis nation has, but the allies have 4, the 1919a6 ,DP beltfed, RD44, maxim tokerev, which have their strengths and weaknesses, but you just hold down the trigger in a crowded area and get tons of kills, and are good when prone) this thing isn’t encountered often, but when I do, the people that use it kill quite a few people because they position in smart places and act like an MG nest but with no overheating.and the planes that will be brought is going to be absolute cancer, the P38 by itself is absolute cancer in the pacific, the P47 is just going to make this worse, 2 more rockets and they all are bigger, and a 500 pound bomb for any survivors of the HVARs. so adding one stupid little tank destroyer to Japan isn’t going to solve these problems that it faces, it’s going to make this worse.


The Ho Ri is technically closed, only “open” when the gun is depressed down enough, but I can see where strafing would be a problem given it’s Tiered 5 against P-47s and the like.

This is indeed gonna be a bit of an issue, and imo the Pacific needs a bit of an overhaul for the Japanese as a whole. Giving them things like the N1K1 Shiden, Ki-84, Ki-83, B7A2 would help, but wouldn’t really be a complete counter…

Some things to bolster Japan’s TT:
Type 89 I Go, Type Hei in full auto, Type 4 Chi To, Type 5 Chi Ri, Double 20mm AA tank, perhaps depending on tier, a better buildable AT gun instead of the Type 1 47mm we currently get.
Just some of the things that could be helpful.

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Perhaps the solution is to “re-tag” certain Pacific squads in the US line up as Pacific only, and the same for selected weapons, which will allow the MM to put you specifically into those maps only as far as the rotation is concerned.

Its a permutation of the weapon BR selection for the MM, and maybe that will fix the issue ?

So the endstate is that some squads in the US line up are tagged as Pacific selectable, and IF you equip them with a range of Pacific tagged weapons, you will go into the Pacific map rotation vs the Japanese.

Otherwise your Pacific capable squad just goes into the broader ETO/Africa rotation and fights the Germans/Italians.

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I don’t think that would work very well, as it would put people into more ques and have games be less full, and many people use a mix of pacific friend and non friendly gear, so you would have to have a pacific only lineup or a Tunisia only lineup and so on, and that would thing the allied ques down quite a bit if it is selecting a lineup for each map set

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You could extend it to other campaigns, but its not as critical. It would appear the issue specifically manifests itself in the Pacific theater where there is a particular technology disparity and some of the non-campaign content now trumps the actual weapons upon which the campaign was balanced to begin with.
The allies in Tunisia and Normandy don’t have this issue vs Germans and Italians, nor do the Soviets vs Germans across the Soviet nation limited maps.

So its a specific US nation problem, which could be resolved in this manner and allow only certain bits of equipment into the campaign against the Japanese teams who are already locked into their campaign maps anyway.

The issue will exacerbate itself further once the US gets more “filler” to help them fight BR5 Germans. If you think tank battles in the Pacific are hard now, wait until the US roll out the Pershings…
Unlike WT, the vaunted Japanese BR 5 TD will be a screaming pile of garbage because firstly it will have no MGs to defend itself from the infantry, and secondly its bulk and characteristics will make it super unwieldy on the relatively mountainous Japanese maps. The tracks are narrow and the level of depression on that thing will make it very predictable as to where it can go on most maps. Unlike the Pershing which as a turreted tank with excellent (in comparison) gun depression will have no issues in advancing to contact and dispatching any tank the Japanese can field.

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Personally, I think they need to re-evaluate the Japanese Tier list. I do think they need to bring in stronger Japanese equipment, but I highly doubt it will be worth putting them in tier 5.

Tier 4 is the highest they should go, as having to deal with the Jumbo is already a massive problem, and the “counter” being the Na-To is absolutely ridiculous. Its like comparing a brick wall to a piece of paper and saying they’ll both hold up equally.

Additionally, I’d like to point out that they try to say the aircraft is about equal, yet the flight speed of Japanese aircraft is insanely slow, plus none of the Japanese planes have rockets. Only the Americans do.


This stupid fantasy needs to end of dragging the Japanese into higher BR if we do that then we won’t have any more problems and then we can start actually fixing problems instead of just making more problems.


Everything you said is partially true let’s start with MGs Japanese certainly doesn’t have anything like belt-fed machineguns that can carry 100 rounds (Unless you include Hotchkiss MG which Japan bought before the war ) but they have type 92 (Lewis copy(licensed)), type 89 TE-4 (Dinner plate with 69 round mag), Field-modification of Type 98 swivel machine gun (Japnese mg-15), so their MGs are not something of defenders dream but rather , assaulters dream they are more like AR than anything else

Now for M2 there is Shisei Type Hei model 1934 with 20 round as SF rifle and also Japanese Federov redesign
(Japanese Federov)

For ARs which Allies doesn’t have also we can give Japanese Shisei Type Hei model 1934 with 30 round
or (captured) SIG KE 7 with 25 or 50 round mags

for AT we can give them type 4 with 90 mm rounds which can pen 120 mm of armor , more than M9 bazooka (I saw mention of 105 mm rounds also but I need more time to research)

Japanese planes are in my mind better than Americans just look at turn rates also japanese planes will get rockets ,too

Model Weight Description
Type 3 No.25 Mk 4 Mod 1 315 kg Work on this design began in 1935 and production commenced in 1943. 1.9 meters long, the rocket is an armor-piercing design, with a thick forged steel nose. The rocket attained a speed of about 100 meters per second when launched. The principal drawback was the small 3.5-kilogram bursting charge.
Type 5 No.1 Mk 9 Mod 1 15 kg (33 lb) An experimental design, intended for use against surfaced submarines. The rocket carried 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of explosives, and had a velocity of about 230 meters per second. Experiments were conducted in June 1944, and it was adopted in 1945. Production had started at the end of the war, but it had not been used. Capable of penetrating up to 25 mm of armor.
Type 3 No.6 Mk 9 84 kg (185 lb) An experimental design, intended for use against landing craft and small ships. The rocket carried 10 kg (22 lb) of explosives, and had a velocity of about 230 meters per second.
Type 3 No.6 Mk 27 66 kg (145 lb) An anti-aircraft rocket that replaced the Type 99 No.3 Mk.3 in air-to-air bombing. It consisted of a large rocket motor with a 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) incendiary shrapnel warhead triggered by a clockwork time fuze with an adjustable delay of up to 10 seconds. The rocket had a maximum velocity of around 270 m/s, and the warhead contained 140 iron pellets with white phosphorus embedded in them, these were scattered in a 60 degree cone when the warhead was triggered. The rocket was designed in January 1944 and adopted in February 1945.
Type 3 No.1 Mk 28 9.1 kg (20 lb) An experimental anti-aircraft rocket with a 600 g (1.32 lb) high-explosive warhead. Experiments were conducted in late 1944. This rocket used 2 kg of propellent and had a maximum velocity of 400 m/s.


The only thing the Japanese will struggle is is Tanks there are 2 more tanks that we can add to Japan BR 5 that are in WT and those are the HO-RI prototype and Heavy tank No.6 (Tiger)

Besides that, if devs decide to model a real tank for once we can expect CHI-RI with type 99, 88 mm AA gun (Americans thought ChI-RI’s large turret was meant to hold large cannon which they thought like Germans they were trying to fit 88 mm gun in the tank which is not true the real reason for large turret was because of auto-loader) and chi-se (real project meant to be ultimate medium tank for IJA it was meant to use Chi-ri as base of the design and 10.5 cm gun of hori we dont know what it would how looked like best guess is bigger chi-ri with 10.5 cm gun or bigger chi-ri with sloped armor and 10.5 cm gun)

P.S we can also add a Japanese event squad armed with STG-44 as navy did buy 6 of those


I don’t know how to say this to you, but I will not be denied strafing Japs with a Corsair, simple as.

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Shameless promotion here.


I won’t, but it’s the larger bomber planes I have a problem with

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Pacific could be an awesome and more or less realistic theater if Japan was only on BR 1-3.


And even then, they are still on the short end of the stick because the P38 is in BR2

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They can add a lot of Japanese low-tier planes with rocket

Go read about the weapons and vehicles used at Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Peleliu. Your opinion will change soon.