Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

And T-34 and T-50s in Moscow


It’s Christmas I didn’t say to remind me of my misery

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the problem is the merge othere then masivly bad idea over all they passed out tanks to squads that did not get them pre merge. pre enlisted being shot in the heart by gilin in Dark flow mask, before only 1 squad had tiger 2 now you can have two, plus panther or tiger and judpanther squads. BR is not balanced, and in enlisted CAN NOT BE BALNACE. In campaigns was balanced as you 100% know that you will be fighting with equipment that can match everything your enemy has. The current version of Enlisted you can gear up to be T1 match and end up fighting T5 in berlin, on top of the tec tree being set up to be blaint pay to win system, with the currency being able to buy unlike pre merge when you could only earn orders to buy weapons. Allowing people to buy the same guns on mass without earing them.