Demolitionist squad idea

This is a idea for a new squad that can deal heavy damage and is a hybrid between anti-tank and radio operator, specializing in demolition and support.

Squad consists of five people:

  • 1 Anti Tank
  • 1 Radio operator
  • 1 Engineer
  • 2 player selection between branches:
  • Branch 1: second Engineer or Machine Gunner
  • Branch 2: Second AT Gunner or second Radio Operator

Unique squad perk: strike designation

Strike designation would allow you to place a strike on a single location with a anti-tank explosive. This would drop a single explosive with high but not guaranteed accuracy using a rocket. This perk would have a 4 minute cooldown. The rocket would have an explosive radius of 15m and 50mm penetration. Strike Arm time of 7 seconds, after 7 seconds a strike from the sky hits the designated location.

Other Engineer Buildable unlocks include:

  • Spawn Beacons
  • Sand Bags
  • Ammo Boxes
  • AT Guns using only powerful anti-tank shells. (No anti-personnel)
  • Barbed wire
  • Hedgehogs

Radio operator could call in:

  • Regular Artillery
  • Strike Designation (after Unlock)
  • Smoke
  • Ammo Crates

Engineer built AT guns in low tier would be 47/57mm (faction dependent) and high tier 75/76 mm.

This would be a great way to combat vehicles, add something similar to rocket strike for a Tech Tree Squad, and spice up the lineup for squads.

Unique weapons per faction:

These would be the faction unlock weapons within the tree, They can be swapped out for earlier tier equipment so they may be used in any BR. If these weapons are not found suitable for the squads position they can be changed to another weapon when added to the tree.

SVT 40 (15 rounds)

  • magazines compatible with the SVT-40 for initial Trials with converting them to AVT rifles.

Germany BR IV:
Gehwer 43 pre Production with 25 Round Magazine

  • used original MG-13 mags, very few models made with the widened magazine well. before it was deemed unpractical and unreliable. I would lower the damage by 20% due to magazine size and increase fire rate by the same.

PBW rifle (Tanker Garand)

  • short barrel M1 Garand, shortened to 18 in. Used in the Pacific in numbers around 150 near the later stages of the war. Features a different gas block system, with lower recoil.

Japan BR IV:

Type 5

  • updated version of the type 4 rifle with greater accuracy. Used in small numbers shortly before the end of the war.

Tbh I don’t know if I support ww2 predator missile.


Don’t worry we made the predecessor to the cruise missile in WWI. Lol

Sounds like my current AT Squad set up but on steroids. Count me in

I don’t think it’s necessary
He just looks like some kind of stitch monster

If there is a squad that deserves better communication missiles
Then it should be the communications corps
This helps players access support options that are actually useful
Instead of abusing bombardment in places that serve no real purpose and become real spam in their mouths

Another problem
Bombing cannot penetrate into the gray zone
This kind of rocket is essentially not very helpful in combat
Because most tanks that dare to approach the war zone will be annihilated by active fighting players.

I prefer to let the mortar squad get the right to build large mortars
Longer distance, wider range, higher damage, can destroy tanks
The most important thing is that mortars can attack the gray zone
Camper’s death method +1