I can put up with expressions like bloodshed, but I don’t like cross-sections of the human body.
I’d like to have the ability to delete or hide the gore expression.
I’m sure when they release the game they will add an option to get rid of gore or have it off as default especially if they want to market this to anyone under the age of 18 but that is part of war the bodies that come from the harsh fighting and that is how it was irl on the field.
excuse me there is even torn body parts? i only saw blood till now also is there jamming mechanics if so can someone clip it?
wait, is gore an option?
thank god it’s not present on my machine
If a tank’s HE shell hits your body, your hands and feet will be torn off. Bones can also be seen in the cross section.
The torn limbs will not disappear, but will remain on the ground.
i used many times HE on infantry, but never happened to see any limbs.
now that you let me think about it, i had the doubt one time. but i thought that i was mistaken.
can you get me a picture of it pls?
I find it actually very discreet, since there is not much blood splatter when this happen this is often unnoticed.
i would love to put a mod to have extensive gore just for fun at the release personally x)
It seems to be torn below the knees and elbows.
As far as I could tell, there was no description of the neck or torso being shredded.
i think that’s more evidence for me.
Gore definitely should not be deleted or removed, but there should definitely be an option for it to be turned off for those who don’t want it.
Indeed, I kind of like idea of having this in the game. But I understand, that not everyone is comfortable with this so an option to turn it off would be nice.
how to trigger them?
is there any option to turn these in game?
Dam i didn’t know dismemberment was in the game, didn’t pay attention, it looks really sick. I like it
I didnt realize that gore was in the game. However, Dismemberment and gore SHOULD NOT be taken out. I think an option to censor it would be good, but not to remove it completely. I personally feel it adds a lot to the immersion and ‘feedback’. Similar to Red Orchestra, brutal game for a brutal war/time period.
I think I found the guilty party.
For a long time I’ve been wondering what’s going on in the game, was it really worked on?
I hardly ever have pictures like this in the game, I remember blood-soaked walls and I loved it so much.
Before you remove something like that, you should rather have the function for deactivation.
Dead bodies also disappear from the battlefield far too quickly.
In the future the anti-tank rifle will be stronger, I hope that a 3er headshot will give off a good cloud of blood.
Does someone have the same memories and experiences as me, or am I mistaken?
I would even pay for an extra gore-DLC
Maybe if you looked you would find it.
BTW this is a 18+ rated game, maybe you should play Mario cart?
I was about to answer the same.
The gore option was always here on the settings.
pheww, only just noticed this was posted ages ago, and, and some just bumped it lol, was starting to think, it wasn’t there originally