Decrease dynamite's AP capability

In current state, there is no reason to use handgrenade compare to dynamite pack. It has same ability to kill infantry just like handgrenade but also has ability to kill tanks too. The only advantage handgrenade has is that it can be thrown a bit further than dynamite pack. I suggest two things:

  1. Decrease dynomite’s fragments so even it blow up it gives head shaking effect but low damage.

  2. Implement historical AT grenade, such as the bundle grenade
    And magnetic mine


you know that frag grenades have far greater kill radious than explosive pack, right?


Better idea is to make explosive pack not throwable. You just place it on tanks or buildings. If something like this will implemented then grenades will be used more. At the moment i dont have 1 fking grenade in squads :smiley:


I use both. Hand grenades are awesome with long range throw and easy to aim.

If they at least removed long range throwing perk from explosive packs that would already be good start.

Ideas for next possible steps:

  • Implement authentic AT grenades/sticky bombs in game and remove explosive packs as they are now.
  • Explosive packs only placeable and could be launched through wire/detonation device using impulse. No more throwing but better for ambushing. Available only for engineers or AT guys.

I seriously doubt. I don’t remember killing myself with a grenade, but I constantly kill myself with TNT, even in range I’d concider safe.



+Grenade should give more head and screen shaking than now.
and all explosion sounds should be reworked in a way that puts more pressure on them

I feel like it is balanced because frags have a larger kill radius and can be thrown further and more easily as well as weigh less, the added weight on your character does all add up. I like dynamite packs for their AT ability but frags are way superior for anti-infantry work, especially if you want to keep your troops speedy.