Some good arguments here.
I’m glad there is agreement about better organisation and putting things into sub-trees (some people get all worked up about the idea of a sub faction, not sure why?).
Now I remain partial to separated trees but I will consider the concerns I have in turn:
New content:
We see how full the Axis and Western Allies tech trees are at present. This is despite for example most British tanks and aircraft being absent, almost no Commonwealth tech or squads and other missing tech like the M3 Halftrack and Lewis gun.
I have always hoped that over time we would get new nations and tech, for example Greece, Yugoslavia, Poland, Norway to name a few. Clearly there just isn’t room in the current tech tree.
While without new content players become bored and the game dies.
So I proposed separate UK-Commowealth tree as this would allow more space for USA to have its own tech (as well as for example Brazilian and Puerto Rican premium squads) likewise proper space for UK to really get its own tech along with Commonwealth nations and other smaller Allied nations.
Now with sub-trees this could work. Just have an Allies tree and as I suggested in another post we would end up with something like this:
France + BENELUX
Some trees like the last two here wouldnt even need to be that substantial since it’s all the one Faction and one queue. It just organises the research better and allows for more additions.
This compromise I am happy with.
2. Nation appropriate maps.
This is where it becomes more difficult. If we had separate trees then we could have maps where only the British or Commonwealth fought, maps where only USA fought, and maps where they fought together. Likewise for Axis.
While the Allied powers did often fight alongside each other there were a number of theatres and battles where they did not.
This is especially an issue for pre 1941 theatres when USA was still neutral. The fact that we cant have British queued on their own has likely prevented a Battle for France 1940 campaign till now.
Some people wouldnt care about GIs at Dunkirk or Sedan but personally I believe it would be just too far of a stretch.
Burma was almost entirely UK-Commonwealth yet we have GIs running around everywhere. Lucky for the supporters of this situation, in real life there were eventually some Americans in Burma but not many.
We have also seen the craziness of French resistance in the Solomon Islands, Australian guerillas in the Battle of the Bulge and Volksturm just about everywhere.
I agree the game was never 110% realistic, but we’ve gotta draw a line somewhere. And as I mentioned before, it would be a real shame to completely discount every early war battle just because of the U.S.
I’m open to debate on how we could solve this without separate queues.
Perhaps uniforms could automatically change where not appropriate? Like Americans in 1940 France would automatically get BEF uniforms, likewise British in the Philippines would get USA uniforms?
Voicelines I personally wouldnt worry much about.
Regarding weapons, I understand some people like to mix n match.
I myself like the BARA2 for my ‘Australians’ (British squads I just call them all Aussies) because top mounted magazines suck.
I also much prefer the Italian rifles to the German ones (excluding Austrian Mannlicher M1895 and Czech Vz.24 which are excellent).
But do we really want French troops in 1940 using M1 Garands or Americans at Iwo Jima using Norwegian rifles? That’s up for debate.
My only proposal would be try and roughly match maps with BRs and therefore sort of early, mid, late war.