Dear Enlisted Developers: From an Enlisted CC

Since the beginning of Enlisted I have been a LONG time supporter of the game. During my time over the last 3 years I: Created a map for Enlisted’s Pacific that even got featured by yourselves (twice), have been one of the top enlisted streamers on twitch, a fairly successful Long Form content creator on Enlisted, and have met dozens of long term friends through playing this game.

While other enlisted partners have continuously bashed the game and boycotted it outright over the last several years, I continued to support it and helped new players of the game. When other content creators churned out weekly videos on enlisted “Dying”, I instead was working on new content ideas for the game through the mod editor. EVEN after one of the WORST Steam launches I have ever seen or heard of, I still hoped that the game would turn around and supported it…

However, I am writing this to say that I am finally throwing in the towel. This is a fantastic free game (even though i have spent over 150 dollars on it haha) and has been an incredible experience, but I’ll be taking my leave. What I have noticed throughout the years is that this game will always fall short because it chooses to cater to a small minority of players rather than the POTENTIAL players is COULD get by expanding.

Instead of writing about the dozens of in game mechanics that make this game a mess (especially the fact that you can choose which faction and BR you want to play when EVERYONE knows which faction is currently dominating the META), I only want to talk about the main reason why I’m leaving this game and why SO Many of my friends and other players are leaving as well.

Enlisted follows a live service model which REQUIRES the growing expansion of a healthy player base to continue to thrive, but the marketing team ignores this. Enlisted prioritizes satisfying the requests and demands of a minority of players that spend LARGE sums of money on paywalled squads that are dubbed as “new content”. It also implements changes that the most vocal of long form content creators demand (ironically) which has become comically labeled as specific factions “suffering” in monthly videos.

Put together the game has created a matchmaking based system that allows players to join battles that are already lopsided and given a guaranteed win percentage based off a Meta, and creates an environment that lacks new content except in the form of new squads that are themselves the PRICE of AN ENTIRE new video game. Enlisted cannot seem to escape from these issue and because of this it is no wonder why its allure to new players fails.

I wish the best to all new and old enlisted players! Was a great time and take care


I think you’re out of the loop on this one, Enlisted do listen to a small minority of players, however its not the groups with the loudest voices or the biggest money contributions

Game still fun though

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Although I will agree with some of what he says, and Lord knows I have done more then my fair share of complaining about the game. But he makes it sound like Enlisted listening to the small minority is a bad thing. The “small minority” as you call them are the BASE. Even political parties secure their base before trying to bring in others. The base for the most part have been playing enlisted for quite some time, and a lot of them (like me) have spent entirely too much money on this free game. The base is the constant, newbies are not. That does not mean that new people won’t stick around and become part of the base, but it’s always wise to secure your base first. Even a house has to have a solid foundation. Lots of things about Enlisted I am unhappy about, but I am still here. :wink:

Nice, a “letter” from CC that literally no one has ever heard of.

Bye :full_moon_with_face:

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Loved your content! I hope you could stay back. Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours. :heart:

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