D4Y1 problem?

Is there anyone that can take off with D4Y1 successfully? I keep crashing every time , like there is a problem or a bug… i don’t know. Maybe the speed is not enough or the runway short?? I never had a problem with take off , with every other plane, even in my first game. Anybody can help?

I can take off, trick is to full throttle, no flaps, nose down, immed raise wheels when left carrier. My issue is tail gunner not firing when enemy plane behind you…


My tail gunner is not firing too in my Stuka

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Same problem, I have already reported it on CBR few weeks ago
rear gunner of D4Y1 is not working for me // Gaijin.net // Issues

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Start the engine, press 2 two times (flaps to takeoff), full throtle, let it goe, don’t push up or down, just let it go, as soon as you are out, up with the gears, two times 1 (flaps to up) and just let yourself go up slowly.


What I do is try to accumulate as much speed as I can BEFORE leaving the strip.

To do so, as I take speed, I control my plane to stay parallel to the strip, so that my landing gear KEEP CONTACT with the strip.

You’ll notice near the end of the strip there’s a short declination, that’s when the wheels stop touching the strip.

AT THIS MOMENT, NOT BEFORE, put your flaps to take off. Then almost at the same time, retract your landing gear as you no longer touch hard ground.


Go full speed with your nose bit above your initial position, might see the plane drop a bit after leaving the carrier but eventually you will start to climb

Yes I don’t think the AI gunner work at all, the old bug is back I guess


It is very easy once you get used to it. Set the aircraft power to 100 and the flaps to “takeoff” mode. Then, as soon as you launch, tilt the mouse up to bring the aircraft close to horizontal and it will fly.
Ideally, the speed should be about 150 when the aircraft is departing from the carrier.

I have this one saved in my todo, will look into it soon



Issue sent to devs


Thank you! :purple_heart:

with the taking off part, is there a brake, i could hold till it revs up?

lol, at the bug with tail gunners is back? amazing

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that is why we need warthunder gunner mode in enlisted so we can do the job ourselves instead of these lazy bot

also kinda ironic that ai bomber gunner still work while our are super lazy


I like this :smile:

oops just remember i cant fly, like i used to in WT haha

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It sounds good, but this plane does not go up…you are slowly go down to water all the time :(((( I want to fly this aircraft but I’m desperate, i do not what to do…

When i am departing from the carrier my speed is about 100, maybe 110, definetly not 150 - that’s impossible. They just need to make it start from the air , not from the carrier. That will eliminate all the problems. Now the situation is silly. All the time I go into the water, and I guess I am not alone with such problem.

Well, i will try all the tips I found here in order to take off in that thing, but I guess I have already tried all this when making my desperate attempts to fly in D4Y1. I have to admit on unique occasions I managed to take off, but that was like “bug”, in general that palne just don’t take off.
** Is there any hope that devs will make this plane start from the air??

Ok, i know what your problem is, you are all the time with your nose up, you need to get your plane straight as soon as you fullthrottle the aircraft, to get more speed in the track, flaps on takeoff and as soon as you leave the track up the gears, and wait until you get some speed and take those flaps to up.

I had this problem with the SBD.

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Hey, pal, thanks a lot !! For me that moment was crucial : “you need to get your plane straight as soon as you fullthrottle the aircraft, to get more speed” I did not know about going level to the carrier deck. Now I see I can take off. :grinning:


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