Custum still doesent work?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/

Just squad unrealistic matches? At lease they dont give you PTSD

Where the f are CUSTOM MATCH
PC has them

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Fixed on Play Station a few hours ago. I started to see consoles players again

Maybe i dont delete it now

Lvl of disrespect here is trought the roof

Avoiding problems ,not at all listening to the most active player but listening to 12 years who got here yesterday who only wanna kill friendlies,take my tanks,ruin balance and everything,turn it to be a f cod battle royal

Discrase for the devs,

But when not valuing players with many h

THERE SHOULD BE POINTS FOR COMMENTING,more you play more it counts

Specially when my advice is brilliant,couse who would know better then the guy LIVING IN THE F GAME

It worked for 1 h
It doesent work again

Well, i am also an active player. I have been playing for 3 whole years now, non-stop.
Keep your faith up. We will soon be there

Spamming threads will not solve the problem.