I’d like to suggest a complete overhaul of the customization options in Enlisted.
Currently, the uniforms don’t match well, and the choices are limited and of poor quality. Moreover, all uniforms lack insignia, significantly detracting from the game’s authenticity and appearance. It would be great to see improvements in these areas in the next major update.
If there are legal concerns about displaying military insignia in some countries, perhaps they could be hidden in a ‘Harmonization Mode’, which would only display insignia when it’s deactivated.
The player base has been waiting and asking for this for many years. Initially, the developers stated that they had other ‘very important things to do,’ such as finishing the merge of campaigns, solving balance issues, and more. So, right now is the moment to do it, since the merge is done and balance problems are a never-ending issue. The developers offer us some customization tickets in each battle pass, but what’s the use if the customization system is barely functional? Can we finally see some improvements?
other examples
Other examples made by Erika,