Custom Profiles - Another look (Guide)

You can unpack any dxp.bin file and get the texture names:

(idk if this helps? anyway)

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So this is what i put in the blk file, but nothing changed? am i still doing something wrong?

(it looks exactly like above with both textures in, the forum uploaded it wrong)

use this command:


to share codes…


yeah. the code is different. the one i gaved you is for the open version.

for the closed one, is:


p.s… don’t tell me you are about to give the soviet a german smock please :man_facepalming:

otherwise i’ll slap someone

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IT WORKED THANK YOU ERIKA! :heart: :smile: i am very very thankful for your help…

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glad to be of assistance :slight_smile:

but to be honest, @tommyZZM and @Devenddar are the real Men to thank for.

without them, i wouldn’t have been able to even dive into retextures.

which… it’s the only thing i can do since… you know…

my mods cannot be uploaded for the time being.
( i mean, i could, but would massively be boring and much watered down of what those should have been… mainly because of customs. but i don’t wanna rumble more than necessary )

which, not to spam, and i’ll conclude my spamming with this message on such an useful thread, if you want to look for more clothings of relatively high quality;

i suggest you check:

( i’ll do other factions too. it’s just that it’s taking me huge chunk of times into research, and find accurate textures for uniforms )

but. it will greatly save you and others some time.

even though, not gonna lie… i would have kept them and only shared them once my mods would have been out.

but quite frankly, i’m losing hopes in that ever happening.

so if i can help others to somewhat elevate their mod in appearance quality, so be it.


There you can find some info how you can add paratroopers squad:
How to make Custom profile with paratrooper squad?

As expected, Custom Profiles need a slight fix after the merge. Will update soon. Until then:

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Unfortunetly i can no longer edit the main post. Assume that latest post is always has the up to date information.

ussr_kv_1_zis_5_common no longer exists. Was replaced with ussr_t_34_85_e Tank.

Note that profiles in sqcommon.vromfs.bin are outdated. The sample above is not!

Remarks to the guide:

Now that campaigns are gone we have factions:

Instead of for example moscow_allies we have ussr for armyId.
For country you need to use either ussr, germany, usa.

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Hi I have 4 questions :smiley:

  1. Where can i find my profiles that i use in casual matches? (I want to use them as a reference point)
  2. You said that its possible to change weapon stats by using entites.blk . Can you show an example of such a code?
  3. Do you know if we can change things like walking speed/ads wakking speed or leaning speed and leaning dispersion?
  4. Is it possible to make profile for team 1 and 2 to avoid makeing profile for each country?


Where can i find my profiles that i use in casual matches? (I want to use them as a reference point)

On gaijin servers. In other words it’s not stored locally, you cannot use that a reference point unfortunetly.

You said that its possible to change weapon stats by using entites.blk . Can you show an example of such a code?

It’s explained here: [Guide] Entity Modding (Entites.BLK)

Do you know if we can change things like walking speed/ads wakking speed or leaning speed and leaning dispersion?

Walking speed can be changed in the profile in perks sections:


replace statkey with the right perks in the guide.

Is it possible to make profile for team 1 and 2 to avoid makeing profile for each country?

You can make a profile for 2 countries, just remember to lock the teams to the countries in the editor and when uploading to the sandbox portal.

how do i lock team to country?

when i asked about ads moving speed (walking speed) i didn"t mean crounch movement perk, i would like to change soldier entity so it can walk faster since there is no perk for that, i also would like to revert leaning changes in my mod i think i might be able to do it this way if its posible. But i have no idea how to find soldier entity to overide it"s paremeters :confused:

how do i lock team to country?

In the editor by using the correct team_… entities:

On the sandbox portal by selecting the right campaigns (this i don’t know if still serves any purpose, needs testing)

when i asked about ads moving speed (walking speed) i didn"t mean crounch movement perk, i would like to change soldier entity so it can walk faster since there is no perk for that


One of them has to be walking speed:


According to a profile i made ages ago run_speed is what you are looking for. It also modifies running speed not just walk speed.

It’s just named improperly.

i also would like to revert leaning changes in my mod i think i might be able to do it this way if its possible. But i have no idea how to find soldier entity to overide it"s parameters

I don’t know if thats possible. I have searched the datamine but i found no entities controlling leaning.


Soldiers entities are:

  • ussr_base_soldier
  • ussr_female_base_soldier
  • ger_base_soldier
  • jap_base_soldier
  • usa_base_soldier
  • uk_base_soldier
  • it_base_soldier
  • moroc_base_soldier

You can spawn and select them. After that you will see name entity that you control:

Almost all perks are entity_mods property. If you want edit speed for all soldiers then maybe better to do it in entities.blk. Soldier property that increases speed is entity_mods__speedMult.

Or you can use game_mode_units_modifier entity. Create it and select it. After that click on + next to game_mode__soldierModifier property and choice Real then write soldier perk property (entity_mods__speedMult). After restart all soldiers should be faster.


What is the codename for the APC Driver? I need it for a custom mod.

Have you tried driver?

If that doesn’t work let me know and i will datamine it.

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Will do, I’ll let you know if it works.

Does not work, just gives me a red X

should be simply:



what does this imply?


if i check the logs:

127.84 [E] [SQ]: Corrupted profile or bad armies: validateArmies: armies is absent See log for details.
127.84 [D]
*FUNCTION [updateProfileImpl()] game/es/client_profile.nut line [85]
*FUNCTION [(client_profile.nut:206)()] game/es/client_profile.nut line [209]

yet, if i check the line

85 - 209



like, it says armies are absent:



i don’t understand.

was something added with the recent updates? @Devenddar

it’s weird because my battle of foy works without any issue.
( that is, in singleplayer )


yet, if i check the line

85 - 209

Thats for the nut file, not the profile.

client_profile.nut.txt (10.8 KB)

That error message will not help 9 out of 10 times.

Did you get that error with bots profile perhaps?

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