Custom Main Menu Question

I see lots of custom hangars and there’s one thing i’d love to have
Long list of squads directly in the menu, like shown on the left of this image below

It’s just a pain to pick your squad from the Reserves interface
I tried some but i can’t make it work
what parameters have to be edited?
I’m super ok with the vanilla background, just want the long menu
Thank you!

Sadly, but we can’t edit ui size and e.t.c… Only set new backgrounds for some menu.

Thank you for your answer…
but how comes those guys have that “extended” squad selection menu?

It’s old ui that was before some updates. And looking to screenshots… They’re too old, because TITAN RISE was 1 april.

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Alright, understood. Was too good to be true
The practicality of such menu is immense

Closed as it has been answered