Criticism of explosives/TNT

Imagine how it would look with proper animations.
(Of course it won’t really be this way but close enough)


I hated that movie on so many levels, that scene was one of the reasons why.

So edgy…


this would make AT soldier more relevant (right know you don’t need them because every soldier is an AT soldier with explosive packs)

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Infantry with training and incentive to protect and fight alongside a tank.

Which is not what we have.

The game is meritocratic in a way that actions that are not sufficiently incentivized by the game aren’t worth the trouble doing. This includes protecting friendly tanks.

Maybe if tanks stopped driving within infantry throwing range, they wouldn’t be susceptible to getting explosive-packed.

How long does it take between artillery strikes compared to a tank firing HE?
How telegraphed is a big red circle on the map people with even a tiny bit of common sense can see and avoid?
How will a radio op sitting in a bunker all day know where the enemy is?

As with irl and in-game. Tanks that are unprotected by infantry are sitting ducks. Won’t even need a particularly large explosive to get rid of one.

muh irl

MGs with pinhole sights.

Are you sure the problem isn’t that a tank isn’t survivable enough, but the fact that infantry that are supposed to protect it aren’t?

For the reasons I stated above, you’re unlikely to get infantry support.

On the other hand, tanks already have an inequal capability of killing enemies with intact crew members until the crab gets its shell cracked. In spite of this, they cost the same as an infantry squad to spawn in.

The only thing I’m getting out of this line of thinking and argumentation is.

“Me want to drive into enemy infantry and not die”

Hiding behind the historical accuracy excuse of

“well, tanks were survivable irl”

While completely forgetting that for an infantry support tank to be effective, it also needs friendly infantry to be cooperative and perform their duties.

To put it bluntly,

“I want the game to cater to how I want to play tanks.”

Just sit in the greyzone, oftentime your sightlines are better there anyways. There is zero reason to leave greyzone, as every enemy troop is fearless and equiped with 1-3 things that can oneshot your tank. I’ve had my KT get oneshot by an impact grenade before.

Tanks are sitting ducks outside of greyzone. The only expection is faster light tank in low tier matches can be used as quick transport for what is effectively an assaulter squad. In high tiers that gimmick isn’t nearly as good.

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It is not necessary to nerf the explosive pack, from what I see we are going to end up throwing potatoes and shooting little hearts

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As I suggested a while back, I think tanks should act as a multiplier in terms of capturing objectives.


The tank by themself is NOT able to capture objectives.

However, if they are on (or at least very near to) the objective, they act as a multiplier for friendly infantry. Say a 1.5-2x multiplier.

The tank gets “Assist in Capture” or “Armor Support Capture” points equal to 5 points/ tick/ infantry for helping to capture the objective.

This means it is in the tanks best interest to not just push forward, but try to help the infantry stay alive on the point.
It also means it is in the infantry’s best interest to try to help the tank not just get to the objective, but stay alive as well. That way, they are more effective at capturing the objective.

Pretty easy solve if you ask me!

When it does SIGNIFICANTLY more than a tank shell, it doesn’t really matter. They can eliminate all fortifications, troops in that area, etc with a single strike.

  1. For some stupid reason, it shows both friendly and enemy artillery strikes in red, despite there being no friendly fire from them. So often times you can’t tell if its friendly or enemy until its coming down.

  2. When its being fired non-stop at the objective, how much option do you really have? Either you push in and hope for the best (usually getting annihilated), or hang back and the enemy captures the point.

  1. They don’t really need to. Most of it is just spammed on the objectives, or the area just behind it.

  2. The blast radius huge and the fragmentation radius extends even beyond the edges of the marker. They only have to target the general location and everything there and nearby is dead.

  3. The radio operator is the only one that needs to stay alive. So they can be stashed in a bunker as AI while the player keeps line-of-sight on the field. They don’t have to interact with the rest of the fight at all.

  4. Bonus: the artillery guns themselves aren’t something that exist on the map, so its impossible to actually stop them from firing. It would be a bit different if they could be targeted by aircraft and actually be able to suppress/ destroy artillery just as you can AA/AT/ and MG nests.

Pinhole or not, they weren’t entirely blind. The direction they are facing should be covered by that MG, but in the game currently it is not.
If the front of your tank is pointed down a street, your AI should be capable of hitting anything that walks into their sight on the front. That simple.

Not necessarily!!!
You can disable tanks without killing them, rendering them stranded and unable to kill infantry.

Breaking their tracks, turret rings, guns, and the barrel are all still options.

IF they were actually as able to survive as they SHOULD be, I would agree that the cost should go up as well. However, they are extremely easy to kill in most cases right now.

I’m not disagreeing that infantry need to help support a tank more, but again I stress that tanks have ARMOR that should not be ignored by tossing a GRENADE at it.


You missed the point.

The questions I presented should have led you to the conclusion that tanks are more responsive to threats they can see compared to artillery where, at best, you have to assume the enemy will be in that position at the time the barrage drops.

Not to mention, with artillery having a time-delay on calling it in, as well as a cooldown, the dozen 76mm artillery shells fired in an indiscriminate circle compared to a tanker taking aim and firing at targets they can see for the same period of time would, in practice, do more damage.

So what will a tanker do with a broken tank?
Stay there, as useless as a dead squad until they gather the courage to hop out and attempt repairs?

Instead of delaying the inevitable, sending them their way to the spawn screen to get in a more useful infantry squad can be seen as more beneficial for their team, overall.

Because the average tanker doesn’t know how to use their tank.

Increasing the value of tanks while keeping the playerbase as uninformed as they are just makes them a liability to the team they’re in.

Explosive packs weigh 1.2kg.
Let’s assume it only has 1kg TNT equivalent.

That 1kg TNT equivalent is still about the same as a German 88mm HE shell and more than a soviet 85mm, or most 75mm HE shells.

You get to dump that much explosive on tank weakspots.

Regular grenades have about ~150-200g of TNT equivalent.

There have been plenty of times where a teammate can come in, kill off the attackers, help with repairs, and help press on.

Not everyone is reserved to playing solo.


You aren’t accounting for the fact is a loose bundle of explosive.
It’s not a shaped charge in any way, and isn’t being propelled forward like the 88mm shell is!

For Comparison, fire an 88mm HE shell at the location where the explosive pack would detonate. THAT would do more damage, but in MOST cases, that isn’t enough to kill a tank (unless its very light).

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Be consistent.

Under that logic, infantry throwing explosives at tanks shouldn’t be an issue.

Even a relatively light mortar shell with half a kilogram of explosive mass can destroy a tank.

The thing is, armor penetration isn’t just a matter of “well I got this much mass and this much penetration”, but a matter of how a tank is constructed.

HE shells that are useless in a game that simulates tank physics still work quite well in irl, because the plates, joints, construction and crevices of a tank are put to the test. A kilogram of explosive over a tank roof isn’t something to scoff at.

In the same way you clamor for “muh irl survivability”, you’re being awfully selective.

Seeing as the most effective location to place them (ingame) is inside the tank treads… If you ask me the explosions perform realistically enough. Satchel charges were described as effective for engaging most tanks of the war. There needs to be a way for players without access to the best antitank weapons to engage enemy armor, and I don’t think what we have is the worst solution.

It could be improved by changing the appearance of the detpack to a relevant type from each faction.

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This entire thing reads like new players playing who only have early tanks getting mad that infantry can fight them without a AT weapon, I get it can be frustrating especially in early tanks like the pz 3s and 2s when you get swarmed by infantry as soon as you show up but its not impossible to deal with, just open your fucking eyes and don’t stare a single spot lobbing HE into it paying no attention, Most explosive packs can be so easily avoided by just looking around and moving when you see infantry.

you dont have to play far away either, Idk if ive just been really lucky with player roles but I have been able to play near objective with my tank and my teamates tend to actually help, Ive seen plenty of times of other teamates tossing explosives lobbed at me away. I know a lot of players sometimes feel really dense and hard to play with especially at low br but thats probably because their new and just don’t know better.

And yea AT squads exist but quite frankly I don’t think many people use em, their main benefit is their AT and they can struggle in other roles if theres no tanks around mainly because they hard focus AT. A lot of AT weapons also tend to feel very bad to use, only getting a single kill on hits to the side with a bazooka, and having really wonky aim. If AT weapons had the same damage, tankers would get upset about them to. But this isnt some sort of problem that requires explosive backs to be nerfed into oblivion, quite litterally just open your eyes and dont stay in one place, thats how you get rushed by infantry and bombed by planes when pretend your an Artillery gun, try playing NEAR your infantry instead of the general vicinity, provide cover to them and they will more likely then not shoot anyone they see trying to sneak up on you. stop trying to play specifically for the ludicrous kd and Just OPEN YOUR EYES. I see it so often, tankers bitching and moaning cause they eat an explosive but most of the time they sit in a single spot and stare at the point never even glancing off it, and just give up when they see infantry near em. explosive packs are designed so that players who don’t have AT weapons can still fight tanks if they can close the distance.