Cosmetics overrule others in different campaigns

I don’t see many people talking about this specific issue with the cosmetics, but I’m having an issue where purchased cosmetics will automatically show up in other theaters. For example, I purchased tan USMC camo helmet covers for my squads in the Pacidic theater, but they show up across all other theaters, even though I’d prefer to wear default helmets in those. This issue has caused me to unequip my purchased cosmetics, because I don’t want my tan Pacific helmets showing up in the Battle of the Bulge. My men show the default helmets I have selected in the main menu, but they switch when I’m in game. It should be an option in every theater to either wear default items or the items you have equipped from other theaters.


Now that’s my kind of issue… as an historical accuracy lover. I find it very uncomfortable, for example. To have my italian troops wearin wehrmatch or SS uniforms. It would also be nice if there was more specific uniform variances (as we have no option now). So at least we can have an alternative to keep historical Accuracy at a minimum.

as you can see, they are alredy in the game’s files:
I belive we strongly need to get the shoulder patches back on game
Italian troopers on normady uniforms from Forgotten Hope 2 mod. (for battlefield2)
and also spread the word of the real need of helmet decals in the game.



I just want different pouches, so my SMG wielding assaulter doesn’t have rifle pouches.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Yeah, most annoying and disappointing squad so far.
Its strong but not strong enough if you have maxed the faction.
Broken customization and the only squad with FG42 pouches have StG.

At least Soviet squad had unique appearance even if it bad, plus AT-44 is good even if you max USSR. Which only makes Horn squad more disappointing.

No, lol. It’s the same garbage as “horny”

The AT-44 is disgusting. Good sights, zero recoil, great dispersion. Its an excellent weapon.

I have to agree here, no recoil is very lucrative for people who can’t aim.

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Why do I need it if I have fedorov

I have same problem. I buy peadot camo for my normandy preset and it appears in tunisia where i dont want it.

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