Correct Feldgrau uniform colors

I was looking at the in-game models for the German uniforms because I was trying to figure out if there was any uniforms that matched the real life counter part of the German uniform but what I found was that they were either to green or too gray

this is the feldgrau color of the standard issue German uniform with it’s color code:

reenactor as an example:

example from other game:

when you compare it to the in game uniforms you can see they are either too gray or too green:

my suggestion is to adjust the color to the color code that I have shared

side note the m44 uniform has it’s own color call feldgrau m44 and it is a slightly brown version

by no means is this a urgent issue but it is something I would like to see “soon”

I would love too hear everyone else’s two cense and what they would suggest to improve any of the uniforms in game


Well there were dozens of different companies producing the german uniforms some which used different dyes and such resulting in various colours.
It would be cool if they made multiple options for the same uniform.
e.g. tunic with sleeves rolled up and had MP40 ammo pouches but you can change the colour of it


I totally agree