Consider adding vehicle repair costs appropriately

What’s next pay for the necromancer after my infantry squad going to get wiped out?


What is wrong with you we still don’t have functioning bipods and windows are cursed and AI have trouble defending themselves now you wanna add repair costs on top of all that are you a masochist


Average WT/gacha player


In its current state, repair fees are not a suitable method and are less compatible. Cannot be applied to other game modes.

But I really need something like CRSED soul points.

I think the best solution is personalSpawnScoreCost.

It is compatible with all game modes and game rules, especially custom room games, which is now the most important part.

Maybe the fraction can be stored in a limited range like CRSED.


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I hate your suggestion

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vehicle (plane in some campaign) spam is “good players”'s way of doing xp farming or control the battlefiled , killing lots of “bad players”.

Maybe take a less radical approach:
vehicle got destoryed will reduce the XP gained by the vehicle squad (up to 0 and will not affect the XP of other infantry squads).If the vehicle does not catch fire, you can perform “vehicle recycling” to avoid penalties.
Maybe repair costs are causing PTSD among WT and H&G players, but costless vehicle spam is definitely a problem.

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OP dude what the fuck. are you just evil?


I could argue with you and show that with proper design it wouldn’t be the case.

But I’m tired of writing the same stuff again and again as apparently nobody reads it.

Hmm… :thinking: Interesting suggestion

even the title was too much to read. no.




Some stuff was basically not worth using due to high maintnance.
Also if you are into spam and “power fantasy” it was a nightmare. (Once I spawned with MG42 modified for full rof and best ammo. I lost like 1k silver in 2s.)

But if you played “calmly” like I did (most of the time) it was bearable.

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It’s strange, because I never felt that I lacked funds to repair all my gear that I used. And it was Panzerwurfmines, full modded Fg’s and stuff like that all the way.

I’m not saying that it was the perfect system in the world in H&G, but the principle itself is correct. You really think about it right before the battle, what is more worthwhile to take and what is better to leave. Gear repair mechanisms in games are just a welcome practice to reduce meta spam and introduce the player to thinking about how to manage their “economy” but remain competitive.


I in general I dislike maintnance system but I like what it tries to achieve gameplay weise. That’s why I’ve been suggesting a spawn score system. Similar effect to maintnance but without it’s main downside.


CRSED’s Soul Score is basically a combination of the two. More leaning towards personalSpawnCost

CRSED’s Soul Score it can only be stored up to 100 points after the game.

I think this mechanism is really smart. It avoids the disadvantage of repair costs, and at the same time, players can easily obtain soul points in the game. And it also has limited saves after the battle.

Players don’t have to worry about it turning into score poor, causing them to be unable to deploy things. (Case No No No, I think most players who are opposed to maintenance fees are actually opposed to this scenario.)

And the points that cannot be accumulated also avoid the imbalance caused by the score tycoon (when gain advantage players gain points, if there is no upper limit, their points may become more and more, and eventually the points lose their meaning to them)

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Haha, oh man, you have dared to speak the forbidden words here on these forums and now you get punished by the entire community for this heresy.

Don’t worry, I also unknowingly once unleashed the full hatred upon myself by suggesting after “deserting a match” you shouldn’t be able to join a new game, but instead be reconnected to the old one.

Oh boy they hated me for speaking these words.

So yeah, there are a lot of war thunder veterans with PTSD here.

i don’t really mind a system to force player to not just go “lmao, endless tank/vehicle spam” as long it’s equally aggravating for both sides. but i surely don’t want my moolah be drained to do that. if i want that to happen, i can just play warthunder thank you.

oh, also, if vehicle spawning gonna be hobbled, can we have properly deadly HE shell again? it’s fucking ridiculous that i can shoot an HE shell into a room and the people inside can just fucking… no sell it. like what the fuck. it fucking exploded too! i saw the firey plume!

Shut up! Don’t make these bad suggestions, it will only make us pay for it.I don’t want to play games every day to save enough money for repairs.