Am i the only one who hates this mode ? The whole gammode makes no sense sometimes. I had a good deal of games where we basically held 4 points uncontested , with the enemy barely holding on to the last one, but with how stupidly this mode is set up the game said they won.
This mode makes 0 sense when it comes to which side wins. Seriously it needs a rework, the team who gets pushed back should be the team which allways loses when the gamemode times out.
Your team used up your tickets before the enemy. I quite like the concept, it gives even a losing side a chance to turn it around even in the dying seconds of a match.
All modes have their lovers and haters. Personally, I’m a fan of the diversity currently in the game.
The way it plays is ineed fun with pushing back and forth, but it feels just unfair when it comes to the resoult. Cause when you lose with your team holding 4 points , enemy holding none with the last point being contested just doesnt make sense.
it does make sense, both armies have limited manpower, so what you captured 4 points if you run out of soldiers. The goal is to keep in mind you have to push effectively.
I had no idea this is how the winner was selected! Wow - makes sense in retrospect, but, it’s just so odd.
Every time a point is lost or won, one side or the other gets a slight uptick in tickets. So, some of the folks I play with thought it had something to do with whoever won the last point. (Again, making sense in retrospect, since that recent point win may give the last gasp of tickets available…)
Another one of those “this game is a beta, but they sure could provide instructions better…” I mean in all these loading screens we look at stills or clouds, and we COULD be looking at tips, scenario descriptions, etc.
Well i just find it a bad game design & i would ban that mode if possible. This mode is just plain fustrating if the enemy is losing hard all game long barely able to hold anything & still wins.
Tickets drain with each death though, so if your team squanders them through needless deaths and banzai charges, then the point advantage quickly becomes irrelevant.
Oh, I agree. But it still see-saws. Worse yet, since I bet I’m not the only one that had no idea that it the winner was picked solely on last person standing. Despite being in many matches where that was the case, I had no clue that was key factor.
If everyone or most everyone going in actually knew that, one could see different strategies evolving where people actually played a bit more conservatively to, well, conserve tickets instead of some people who burn through 15 squads in a match.
Yeah it surprised me the first time it happened (I was on the winning side with the last point being a proper meatgrinder).
The trick to remember, if both sides have a ticker on the top of the screen, then that’s what is at stake. Point captures are primary, draining that ticker is secondary, but still as important.
Yeah probably changing the interface to match the Invasion style ones might be more undersandable. Cause i bet most players just push the caps and since there is no exact counter they think you can burn squads just like in the defense side in the other game modes.
If i would know ahead that its about tickets & not pushing up to win, i might aswell just not even bother with pushing past the mid objective & just bunker down there with HMG and AT guns.
I kinda like it because it weighs kills a bit higher vs. objective captures, because the other gamemodes already prioritize objectives. People seem to like playing for kda anyway, at least in there it makes a bit of sense.
imho they should increase the ticket count by a bit(like 25%-50%) in order to encourage people to actually play the objective. I’m fine with limited tickets but it feels like most of both teams just go for kills.
Yea, I’m fine with that, it’s just I feel too much emphasis is placed on kills rn and not enough on the cap. I like the idea behind conquest(both teams fighting over a single cap that moves based on who takes it,) but rn it just feels kinda pointless. So I feel either increasing base tickets or adding a separate gamemode based on who takes all the caps first/time limit to prevent it from dragging on would be nice.