The mechanics in the Confrontation game mode can result in a mandatory loss for the team which runs out of tickets second. This has happened several times in the same scenario. Team A loses first. However. Team B manages to capture a point resulting in the Confrontation point moving. Team B loses all tickets. Since the point moved, Team A’s countdown ceased but since Team B’s ticket count expired, their 60 second countdown starts. The issue here is two fold.
Point One, Team A’s countdown stops if the Confrontation point changes because the opposing team captured the point.
Point Two: Team B’s countdown will expire BEFORE the Confrontation point unlocks for capture.
These two points result in Team B’s loss even though Team A’s countdown should’ve expired, resulting in a loss.
Solution: Reconfigure the loss countdown in Confrontation to continue if the opposing team captures a Confrontation point.
The thing is, it’s all about the next point. Even if it’s locked, you still can occupy it, stopping the countdown. Smarter players might exploit the close difference by camping the next point, in turn freezing one team’s countdown. In that case, the other team has 60 seconds to rush through the left behind troops to try to contest the occupation and reset theirs. Stupid, I know.
i love it too, it can get confusing though. I think confrontation might be one of the most liked game modes once devs fix its issues, because pretty much everyone likes its concept, the introduction however…
I don’t have a problem with confrontation, I have a problem with people NOT going to cap points but choosing to just fight at the last cap point, or in between somewhere. I have just played in two confrontation matches in a row and lost both due to idiots that choose to not go near the next cap point. Some say that’s good strategy, but it’s better to just take cap points, then you don’t have to worry about running out of tickets. I am irritated because BOTH my last two games should have been relatively easy wins, if people were doing what the game objectives are.
I am rarely number one on the team. Why, because I play the objectives, not run around looking to pad my kill stats. If I can win and only kill one SOB, then I am happy…I HATE TO LOSE. If I could shoot my own team members who refuse to come to a cap point, I would do it in a second.
To clarify — Does Team A lose their tickets before Team B in this scenario? If not, team A should win regardless of how far B pushed them, because team A still has tickets/reinforcements (i.e., living soldiers). War of attrition.