it could though with proper MM without a BR system based on tiers
for example a system that makes an effort to find players that have sufficient gear, and if it’s not possible because none in the pool currently available, they could develop a decent system of ai bot support to help in such situations to compensate, all part of advanced game development and planning for such situations, something that is clearly missing in this game and instead we are being guided by people who think csgo is a good game, you lost all my respect with that comment, sorry
There are other possibilities, a failure to look at that, is a dev failure, sorry to be brutally honest
it’s like trying to put out a fire with fuel, that isn’t smart, but you seem to think it is
and if you only focus on them then the result is a bad solution being implemented such as BR, which as we have established is not a good solution, and it’s not a solution either, since we also already established it’s bringing more and other problems, ergo, fuel to fire
not necessarily if the game can still do adequate job balancing players into matches and it hasn’t been bad design so far, the game has been quite ok because even in worst case scenarios you can just quit and find a new match, and I know for a fact I have enjoyed this version of enlisted and will not enjoy a limited BR future that this game is going in, so BR is bad game design. I rather have a match where there is potential of 50 weapon variety than say 5 weapon variety
There is no such thing as nuke in the game, and anything that has wide area of destruction/killing power such as bombs and rockets do so because the map design and objective design insists on pushing tiny areas to fight over, which again is a side issue, design/game planning issue. So you make pointless arguments again, reaching for straws as all your arguments that make an honest attempt are
I never said that they should always have the brightest and shiniest toys, which is why the diversity currently works so well, and it will be ruined by BR, it’s very obvious to anyone with a brain
your BR at top tier will be that, only the shiniest end game toys, so you are the one that wants that
there you have it, the actual solution
which can be achieved various other ways without this nonsense BR system
but bare in mind that as I said, even in the new BR system, if you have a pnz3 and nobody on the team wants to play pilot or only has low end BR tank and nobody can reach the PZ3 in grey area, like I said, problem persists, and you are still left with having to quit the match, so BR didn’t solve the issue
you don’t know shit about what I want because you don’t pay attention and only select what is convenient and then it shows in your arguments, already explained thing, but you don’t understand them
just indulging in some of your tactics back to you, to see how you enjoy it, it’s fun isn’t it?
easy to argue that way and avoid the subjects, you do that, I will do it to you
Both players can have access to it, you however want to blame the poor matchmaking of the game on the player that has worked hard to unlock the higher capacity weapon.
So what you should be blaming is the game for doing that in the first place and for the game not having an adequate MM for all 50 weapons instead of splitting the match making into say 10 gun tiers for example
We just have different ideas on how to fix the MM, yours is shit, mine isn’t.
And BR is already crippling that experience not just at the entry level BR, but throughout the entire BR tier list, so it’s essentially ruining the game for all players, which is far more severe than having an entry point for noobs
and yes agreed combined arms, which means the entire variety of a campaign or theatre of war widely available in battles, not just extremely fake tiers that the BR is doing
That is not necessarily true, I can have a good time playing in uneven matches sometimes, not always, but sometimes, some unpopulated campaigns are actually fun for a section of the player base, and ruining that is likely going to push those players away, as they thrive in those environments and enjoy the more casual pve experience or extra challenge of being outnumbered
nope, I have played populated and non populated, and both essentially suffer from the same uneven fights problem and quitting problems, longevity comes from having more extended goals to achieve such as completing extra campaigns in the future, with that removed from the game, no longer have those long term goals because they were merged all into one tree so there is very little left to achieve or do, especially in a limited game format as BR, so game instantly dies for such players as me, as not even the battles will be as interesting to play anymore due to the limited BR setting taking over the entire game
also some big successful games like POE have longevity and nobody cares about PVP, it’s all about PVE and a lot of things to grind and try different things
well this is stuff that should be thought of ahead of time especially when we are so deep into first person shooter games and there is already a history of these issues, a good team needs to prepare for these things when launching such projects in the future, let this be a lesson to future devs that plan on doing a proper game, and not ruin their game. It’s not too late though, there is still time available to work on things, what is the urgency to ruin the game right now with this BR nonsense?
no you are wrong about them being assumptions, most of what I have said is just how it is, so you can’t disprove it, unless you literally invent a fake story, which I have caught you doing already a couple of times and squirming around with ridiculous comments
I can see that, but at least the game now is in a better state than it will be after the BR idiocy, unless of course the goal is to make this into another trash game, then we are heading in the right direction
Not by splitting it by Weapons, Gear & Vehicles tiers, it would have to be done differently
Many people are also happy with many other rubbish situations in the world, doesn’t make it right or the best way of doing things, so that’s not really a good argument to stand on
But That’s fine if I’m only one guy even, but many other people aren’t happy with the changes either, and if we are all to be sacrificed, so be it. I will move on, was just looking at a game called Graviteam Tactics Mius Front, they seem to have a proper handling on Military History and making a proper WW era game and really know their stuff and aren’t turning their game into some arcade joke. Just saw one detail which really stood out to me, where guys in the tanks will actually throw grenades out their hatches, never heard of any game doing that.
Yes, I have seen them also penetrate and kill a Tiger, but in grey zone mostly planes have to deal with it, just like in the new BR system
some campaigns you can pretty much still do that, and in the ones you can’t then you are getting the challenge you wanted, so win win. I played some game on Tunisia where I carried with only using a rifle, was actually really surprised how dominant a player can be with a rifle in some campaigns. But I see your point you want these limited modes, and I am not against that being available in the game, just not as the only mode and ruining what we have now.
it will barely be noticeable, perhaps it will be more noticeable at the very lowest BR, but if you play the other games by this group that run this tier system you will see all their games are mostly unbalanced stomp fests, despite using this BR tier system, because the players are the big determining factor
Ok what issue specifically do you want to focus on? Because I’m ok playing the campaign system in Enlisted as it is now. I don’t really care if some are more populated than others, I see that as part of the interesting part of the game. For example you talk about wanting more of a challenge, and not wanting to use your end game gear against weaker opponents. So Why don’t you go play on the low pop campaign on the side that has the least players? Then you don’t have to feel bad about using top end stuff, you will need it. And you would be helping to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem, why aren’t you thriving in that challenge? It’s there right now waiting for you.
Well speak for yourself, I enjoy being rewarded for my time. And then enjoying something I worked hard to earn. Enlisted was one of the most rewarding grinding games I’ve played, finally having access to the top end stuff was a very satisfying pay off for my hard work and dedication.
they are not similar games, and there is a reason why I don’t play them same reason I won’t play this one when that shit is implemented, they are totally different games and we already been over this with totally different eras of war, of course we don’t want Modern day equipment in vs WW ERA stuff in Enlisted, you are just reaching for more straws, just stop, it’s embarrassing
It is not a stupid argument, especially when you yourself want to further destroy both Immersion and HA, you are the last person to judge, go play csgo
and each one we discussed is not actually solving anything, and your strongest argument is something that could be fixed another way, not by ruining the entire game, so you have nothing
thought you weren’t about forcing players to do anything, so much for that
I’m ok with the correct weapons being available in each campaign as per history or close to history, but not completely removing weapons from those campaigns or breaking it down into a tier system where some weapons will rarely share the same battlefield anymore, the current system doesn’t do that, the BR will be extremely focused on doing exactly that
I looked at your stats, they are all quit ok by me from my own gameplay experience in populated and not populated campaigns. I have no issue with it as it stands. What problem are you having with it?
Sure I can understand that, but surely that would be easier to just have a tick box with a cut off and the players decide if they want to queue into late war or not? Wouldn’t that be much easier without ruining the entire game?
Well that’s why we will be going our separate ways after this, it’s just tragic that this game could actually have gone the right way and instead it’s just doing it the wrong way
It’s only pointless to argue because you have no clue about quality gaming, you think csgo is a good game ffs you should go play that instead of being here helping to ruin this game